Green card 5 year anniversary question—Citizenship interview


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My citizenship interview date is 10 days before my green card 5 year anniversary? Will the IO approve my case right after the interview? If not, how long I need to wait to receive the oath letter?

Thanks a lot!
My citizenship interview date is 10 days before my green card 5 year anniversary? Will the IO approve my case right after the interview? If not, how long I need to wait to receive the oath letter?

Thanks a lot!

IO will NOT approve the case right away, but give you a letter with "no decision can be made". Depending on the IO, he/she might process it right on the dot, or take another couple of weeks to pull it out of ice and approve it. Any which way, while it will cause delay, it should not be substantial (2-4 weeks is my guess).
Not true, depend on IO our interviews were on (12/22/09) a week before 5 years anniversary(12/2909) but they approved our cases on the spot.
It's possible that the IO may approve the case on the spot. However, an approved applicant cannot attend an oath ceremony until his/her GC turns 5 years old.