
I can not agree more! Thank you, greaty-k!

I do appreciate your hard works to make the tracker more informative to benefit ALL of us!!

Thank you!
Great job greaty-K

I think these are not called ads as they are not making money on it,
If people know about the site ignore the message.
There are lots of people who just get the info. from this site and do not post any information. What do you think of them?
If greaty-k had not posted so many messages then the site would have been useless. Some one has to do it.

Good job greaty-k
Great job .. Greaty-K

Guys .. its wonderful to have all info on one website .. congratulations to Great-K for a job well done .. ignore the stupid comments from some guys
Wonderful Job

Hi Great-K, It is an excellent job. Keep it up. Looking at your site and finding some new approvals keeps me in good spirits. Consolidating all approvals is really a great thing that requires lot of effort and time. Keep it Up Man.
I Agree on this

greaty-k\'s and another_wish messages are worthwhile than the
usual \'congrats\' oneliners...!!
Atleast today we have a picture of how many approvals/pendings are there for each month due to these two guyz hardwork.. ignore those people who just bring up \'anything and everything\'
No Title

What have you done in your spare time to help people on this board? Its fine if you don\'t develop tracker site, but, then don\'t discourage others who have spent time to put something like that.

Please note that GREATY-K and his friends are very receiptive to ideas of members on this board and have tried to implement ASAP. For that reason, they need to use this board to let others know about the easy Tracking on web and get their feedback/input (As more people will use it, we will get better data and better ideas for site).

There are 25 posts about your topic, isn\'t it waste of message board? How is it helping users on this board?

There are new users joining this board, do you have any suggession/idea to let them know about the Easy Tracker site? If you have one, pleaes let us know and I am sure that Greaty-K will stop posting message about the tracker.

By the way, Great work Greaty-K.

Hey Greaty-k

You don\'t need to apologize to any one. You have been doing a wounderful job out there by getting all the info and compiling it and creating an excellent web site. In fact I have told a lot of my friends (even friends who have got GC) to check out the web site. On the contrary I think you should go ahead and advertise. Don\'t heed to silly comments by folks who cannot bear to see and appreciate good work!! Keep it going my friend...
Criticism should not be querulous...

Criticism should not be querulous and wasting, all knife and root-puller, but guiding, instructive, inspiring.
- Emerson
Greaty-K and another_wish - Great Job

We really appreciate your efforts. Ignore these senseless comments and keep up the good work.
This one is my Last message on this issue - but Read.

Greaty-k did a great job - I agree. But this site also did a great job even before Greaty-k. He is using this site and depriving this site of its visitors and is trying to gain. That is real back-stabbing. All guys supporting Greaty-k are of similar nature - Mostly that is XXXXXX Mentality. I do not have any words to such unethical people. I have been polite but if you want to hear the truth - this is it.

I came to this site on my own - That is the greatness of the site. Using this site - to gain popularity is smart idea but mean one. Why does not he advertise on Yahoo or MSN ?? Or why cannot he make a deal with the Immigration Portal to pop up his tracker (Which is genuine Reminder) ?? Because that costs money. Also, the guys who are supporting this idea are those guys who are ready to drink Phenol if it is Free !!
Sidr You really have your head up your arse.

Greaty-k has not made this tracker for profit. He is a 485 waiter just like us and anotherwish, who is carrying forward the tracker created by Myladoor many months ago. Why should they spend money to advertise their sites. How do their trackers detract from this site, they only complement them. And why does their tracker prevent people from coming here. Get this into your thick skull, they do not run their tracker for profit and they are waiters just like us
Sidr You really have your head up your arse.

Greaty-k has not made this tracker for profit. He is a 485 waiter just like us and anotherwish, who is carrying forward the tracker created by Myladoor many months ago. Why should they spend money to advertise their sites. How do their trackers detract from this site, they only complement them. Get this into your thick skull, they do not run their tracker for profit and they are waiters just like us
sidr.....what are you talking need brain.

What is Greaty-k gaining here......he is giving to Immigration community more then he is gaining. You do not have any creditability first of all and its funny you call others XXXXXX Mentality & unethical, get a life man. Who the fuck are you? You are a selfish Bastard who just cares for you approval, period.

"I came to this site on my own".....Oooohhh..great man - we need you here desperately. "who are supporting this idea are those guys who are ready to drink Phenol if it is Free !!" .....What you are talking man - what the hell is fact you are such a looser and sucker that guys like you want the service (trackers and reports..) all for free on top of it you don’t want the creators to ask people to update the data.

If the trackers and reports were not there - then you will know the value of it. With out data they do not make much meaning. Is this bigger then you ignoring the reminders? Think…Oh that is difficult for you as you need a brain…hmm.
Hey SIRD...

Glad to know that you will not be posting any more messages on this topic. What ever you say, there are lot more pople out there in appreciation to greaty-k for his work, so take your words of discouragement elsewhere, where it (might) be liked.
common_sense - Your language says what sort of a person U r. This is a dummy name u used to post th

sidr....just get the fuck off this board .......

you slimey bastard...won\'t do anything to help anyone and criticise are a debt on this earth......
greaty-k and Another_wish.

greaty-k and Another_wish, Igonre all this non sense. Idoits come and go but not hard workers like you guys. Keep doing good job. You deserve reward not blame. I appriciate your work.
Who ever talk all this non sense, Can they spend atleast a hour for public service other than writing stupid comments ? Shut up idoits let the greaty-k and Another_wish do their wonderful job.