GReaty-k .we miss u

venati & rggcard

Yes we all do miss Greaty_k

Thanks for inquiring I am very much here, but unfortunately, the quality of discussions on this forum has deteriorated so much, that now I post either to congragulate folks who have endured the process of GC processing. Or I post when I think I can give someone some useful advise or tips.
July 16

This whole process is so long and frustrating that we see different people vent in various interesting and not so interesting ways. I guess the trick is in responding to the interesting ones and ignoring the rest.

Other than keeping track of the immigration news at VSC, one of the attractions to this site was to find out the outcome of the bottle of Pinch.

All the best

The Bottle of Pinch is still ageing, in my good friend Futuregen1's wine cellar, and I am holding him to his promise;) :p :D
hey guys
I was very busy in a major upgrade at work which just finished and so have not been able to visit this forum.
Will be around now and all the best to you all.