Graduate Student Funding .. Federal Funds Eligible?


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I had my interview November 2003. In December 2004 I sent an email to the FBI asking for a status check. In May 2005 they replied stating that records show a submission for a name check request was sent by my local office September 2003, but that it was not properly formatted and was rejected.

He also said that another request was not sent.

This says that i've been waiting for no reason.. even though i went almost every month to my local office asking for an update.

My graduate funding is expiring, and I need to know whether as I am officially a parolee in adjustment of status.

Am I eligible for federal funding? Anyone have a law reference (8 CFR 103.12 shows that I am lawfully here and eligible for social security)?



PS the day i received my email i went to the local office and showed them the email and to ask for my application status again. They asked me where I got the email address from (THANK YOU THIS FORUM) and were surprised. They said they would have to see what to do next, and would contact me in 3 weeks! That was a month ago, and they have yet to contact me back (I'll be going back tomorrow).
But are we eligible..

As Parolees for adjustment of status:

Are we eleigible to receive federal funding (financial aid, grants, training stipends)?

Anyone have a law citation/definintion aside from the one listed above?


I think one has to be either a citizen or PR to receive a fellowship from the federal gov. But one does not need to be either cz or PR to be a PI on a federal grant. I want you to know that I'm saying this only based on my personal exp. I was unable to apply for NSF or any other fed grad fellowship when I was a grad student (on F1). When I was a postdoc (J1 and H1), my supervisor was unable to pay me from his federal grants but only from his non-profit foundation grants.. Meanwhile, I've been a co-PI on a 3 year NSF grant. This grant started 2 yrs ago when I was in the AOS process, though now I'm happily a PR. As someone on H1 visa, I also received grant from a nonprofit org which received funding from the fed gov. With this one, even though I had to say in the application form that I was a nonres immigrant, I got the money while my American colleague didn't. So apparently my status didn't matter! You might just go to web sites for relevant grant sources. Usually, there you can find sufficient info on eligibility..