Got the real plastic card, VCS becomes faster


Registered Users (C)
Just let you guys know. I stamped on April 5, 2004, and this afternoon I found the real card in my mailbox. I was ready for several months waiting, so I got a good surprise! It seems VCS becomes faster, I passed my 2nd FP, transfer, interview, passport stamping and real card with 2 months. Keep hope, wish all of you have good luck!
I heard plastic cards are printed nationally. Nowadays lot of people are getting it with 1 or 2 months.
No wonder

Approval rate has gone down to trickle.

If this continue then Plastic card issue date will become current, means the next day of stamping..
My 200th post :)

Congrats for the card... enjoy your freedom and let us know what difference you feel inside yourself after getting rid of all the issues related to VISAs/ GCs....
Call Back Number


Is there a way we can check if our plastic card is mailed or not , I went for passport stamping on Mar 26th 2004 and have not got the card as of yet .


Cmyk55: My RD was 11/2001, TD was 02/04, stamped on early April 2004.
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correct dates please

I do not wish to be a pain but could you post the right dates.
It could have been a typo:
as far as I recollect, you are 11/2001 with approval in march.
also you saw the approval online...when did you really have the interview. I may have missed some of your posts.
If that is so, I apologize.