Got the card after 5 1/2 years of wait!!!!!!!!!


Registered Users (C)
EB3, India
Priority date : June 95
Receipt Date : Oct 97
But INS said they didn\'t receive the application before the deadline of Oct 31st(even though company filed it).

So Actual Receipt date: June 98.

Now after three finger prints(Oct 97,oct98, Sept00) three EAD\'s and two complete medicals & transfer from CSC to VSC,

Only my husband got the card today, approved on 9/19/00.

I hope to get mine soon. Is it normal to get one card later than others\'?

One more wierd thing we still don\'t have the pp stamp.

Thank you all for your support.
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Could you tell us when your husband got passport stamped and where he did that?

I got passport stamped at Oct 2 but no card yet.

Thanks in advance.
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Both mine and my husband\'s passport is not yet stamped. Once I also get the card(only he got it on 11/24) we will go to the local INS for pp stamping.
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Wait minute. I don\'t understand your situation. Usually people got passport stamped first and then wait for the plastic card. Why do you have the reversed procedure? Do you still need passport stampe if you got the plastic card?
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Hi Mimic, Thanks for your interest.

Yes, it is indeed weird. At the time of interview(sept 14,00), FP being expired(Had done in oct 98) they didn\'t stamp the passport. Instead they we did FP the same day for the third time electronically. But after that local Ins sent a letter asking us to come for pp stamping. But we never got it. Not hearing from us, they sent the I-89 and what ever files to vermont to print the card. So now we (well, only my husband) have the card. I think we still need the I 551 stamp. We sure will check it out from local INS. BTW the card says resident since 9/14/00 which is 5 days after the final FP.

DO you know when is the 3 month period starts when the burden of proof is INS\' if we change the employer?

Don\'t hesitate if you need any more info. Thanks.
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As I know, the 3-month period starts from the approval date of your
I-485. For me, it is the date at my approval notice. I am not sure about yours since you went through interview procedure, maybe 9/14.

It is amazing that INS can sort thing out in such chaos situation. Hope you can get your card soon.