
Registered Users (C)
notice date 11/99

Fingerprinting on 7/03

rfe 12/03

I got this biographical form.. But now I have to write this address outside the US before departing... I lived/commuted between two residences... But now I forgot which I orginally put in before during the filing..... They going to make a big deal ?

If you don't have the photocopy of the documents that you had originally submitted then you can either try to squeeze both addresses in G-325 or you can write one in the form but write an additional letter in which you can explain your situation.

In my opinion the address should not be a big deal.


I am not a Attorney , please consult a lawyer for legal advice
but probably my dad would have a copy...

because i dont want to get screwed for a such a little issue...
Hi jaime, just be curious, why do you need your addresses before you come to US? I remebered in the biographical form they only ask last 5 years addresses. Looks like you got you asylum in 1998.
no sea blue.. It does ask for a year outside the U.S .. and phewwwww .. thankfully my dad had the copies... (got scolded for being irresponsible) .. LoL :p