Got RFE, Please Help


New Member
Hello, Friend:
I filed I-485 at EB1 in NSC by myself.
My details:
  RD 11/2000
  ND 11/2000
  FP 03/2001
  RFE 12-21-2001
Full text of the RFE:
  Submit a currently issued letter or other evidence from the prospective permanent employer that indicates your current position, if any, proffered position, and proffered wage and indicating that the terms and conditions of the employment petition continue to exist.
My question:
  I did not understand what "the terms and conditions of the employment petition continue to exist" means and how to answer this question.

Thanks in advance
No Title

I would believe that your employment letter must contain the words that \'we intend that so and so to work for us on a permanent basis\' or \'that we intend to continue so and so\'s employment with this company etc\'
No Title

Very Impatient:
   First of all, thank you for your help. The following is what I want to say in the letter to response to RFE.
   "XXX\'s work has played a central role in these studies(i.e. kinds of studies have been indicated in the beginning of the letter)Therefore, we intented to continue XXX\'s permanent employment with XXX company as indicated in his I-140 application". Do you think that is Ok? Thanks again
Include the following line in the letter

Include the following line in the letter .
...the terms and conditions of the employment continue to exist for indefinite future.

Also make sure the letter has quite strong content to reflect your position as well as intent of employment by your comapny.
Hi, vizkid, Please help me again

How are you? Thank you very much. Please help me agian. Could you please show me how I may make the letter has very quite strong content to reflect my position as well as intent of employment by my company? Could you please response me at your the earliest conveniece? because I am going to talk with my company about this letter tomorrow. Thanks again.