
Registered Users (C)

This is really frustrating. I upgraded my EB1A case to PP on 13th April and on 15th day, my online status was 'Request for Premium Processing' and no emails except for computer glitch. I called on the last day and the officer told me that NOID is issued and the notice will be mailed to you in a couple of days.

I strongly believe that like gc_er my documents were lost. I am waiting for the exact details in the notice and post you once I have it.

Anyways I don't have any other option but to wait for the notice. Also I lost my motivation and energy to work on it further....probably I will hire a lawyer now because I believe I need to respond within 30 days.

Once I have NOID can I call and find out if the documents were lost or not during the process? I do need to find out whether they actually touched my documents or not.


Sorry to hear about this. They may have lost your supporting materials, probably calling them might help clarify this. Don't loose heart, try to figure out by calling them what is going on, or wait for the paper in mail. If no mistake, attorney indeed could be helpful to make a strong response.
Thanks thdoc,

I guess I will wait for the notice and act accordingly. Any idea when do my 30 days time period starts? The date I receive the notice or the date they issue the notice?

Also any idea on how much does an attorney cost to respond NOID, will the price be lower than normal application? It will be hard to produce additional supporting documents in such a short time. I think I may have to just restructure the cover letter.


Sorry, can not answer question about times. But regarding the price for response to NOID, I believe it should be lower because all reco letters are ready, only the cover letter is to be rewritten. I think it may still be possible to even get some additional supporting material from people/editors/societies, if over e-mail.
triv - so sorry to hear this. Call them again to find out if your documents get lost. Or get a fax copy first so that you know whether you actually received your documents or not. Never lose hope, I believe we will succeed eventually.
Thanks thdco and Haimi,

Haimi you were right. Today I asked them to fax the notice and the first line of the notice said "To date, the supporting evidence for this petition has not reached this office". The response is ridiculous but it gave me some hope that if I re-submit the documents there are chances of approval. Actually it is interesting that when I sent them email asking about supporting documents they told me that supporting documents reached and the petition is with the officer.

Anyways, I have 30 days to respond. So I am thinking about adding few more recommendation letters and modifying the cover letter little bit.

Guys, do you know of any lawyer that can just changes in the cover letter with a reasonable price?


I am sorry to hear this. You have higher chances of approval once you send the documents again. Wish you good luck with your preparation.

Thanks EB1today,

It's good to know that there are some benefits in getting documents lost. I hope I get approved next time when I re-submit these documents.

Another quick question. Now that they have issueed NOID once, can they issue RFE again on this petition or it will either be denial or approval?

If my memory is correct, one of the forum members got NOID and got approval after that. I will try to find out the link for you and you can also try it in the forum. Good luck.

Thanks EB1today, I got your PM.

The weird things are happening to my case. I am about to send my documents again, as they requested in NOID dated April 26; however I saw LUDs in my case yesterday and today and also received emails from CRIS that 'On May 4, 2007, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence and/or information in this case'.

I called the officer today and he told me to follow my NOID notice and send documents again. However I feel that they could locate my orignial documents and asked for additional evidences after reviewing my case.

What do you suggest guys? Should I wait a couple of days to see if I receive another notice or send the original documents again?

Thanks for your help


EB1A- Retro Country

E-Filed on April 6, 2007
Documents Received April 10, 2007 (as per USPS)
Upgraded to PP on April 13, 2007
LUDs April 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17
NOID received April 26, 2007 (supporting documents not reached)
LUDs May 3, 4
Online Status RFE issued
Good to know that they finally found your supporting documents and sorry to hear about the RFE. I am sure you will get thru it.

In my opinion nothing wrong in waiting for two or three days. Because, if the RFE is not too hard to respond you just have to add those required additional documents and send them together. Anyways all the supporting documents are ready with you.

Good luck with your response to RFE


Not a legal advice

Maybe you want to call them again to get a fax of the RFE first. Maybe it will be minor. Good luck!
Hi Haimi,

I called them once and they asked me to refer to NOID notice. So I am waiting till today and then just send all documents again. Actually I got information about NOID through phone and paper notice, but there were no emails or online status change. So my guess is they took a while to reflect the change in online system. Also I used this time to modify my cover letter little bit, so I hope it helps.

Did you respond to RFE?


I haven't responded yet. Will start preparing it soon and hopefully I can respond in one month.