Got my passport back today; One quick Question


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got my passport back today with H1B Visa stamped on it.

Quick question guys:

They only gave me one year of valid visa which will expire May next year, i know visa is merely a travel document but is that normal ? I thought they will give valid visa for 3 years just like it says on I-797 ?

Thanks a lot guys !!!
I would have thought your visa should have been for 3 years also. It usually goes by the date on the I-797. Did you not check and ask them this when collecting your passport? It's just a big hassle having to going for visa stamping again next year.

Maybe someone else can reply with similair experience.
Yeah, that's what i thought too, but as long as i am in the U.S I should be fine till my I-797 Expire right ?

Yes, within the US you should be fine until the date given on the I-797. However if there is still a way for you to contact the consulate, I would recommend that you either call them or send them an email to follow up on this. It is still not too late and they might correct this error and issue you a new 3 year visa. Next year when this visa expires and you have to travel abroad, you will wish you had corrected this on time. At the most they'll reply back and say nothing can be done. But it's worth the try, you'll save yourself from un-necessary wastage of time, money and tension in the future. Good luck.