Got FP Done...What does this message means?????


Registered Users (C)
When i checked online status i get message like

"On march 24,2003 the document we made based on the approval or registration of this case was mailed directly to the person to whom issued"

I just got finger printed on March 21 (Friday) does anybody has seen this message or has any clue what does this message means. Pelase help

By the way here are my details..
SRC02131XXXXX, Got finger print notice on March 4th, got
finger printed on March 21st.

RD: 03/21/2002
ND: 03/22/2002
FD: 03/21/2003

What was your ORIGINAL SCHEDULED DATE on the FP Notice? I am assuming you went for early FP.

Typically this message seems to imply a FP Notice has been sent to you. But since this is after your FP Date( the day you actually did your FP) I am not sure..........maybe it means you are approved???? ;) ( I dont want to get your hopes up too high...its just a thought ):D
it means

FP notice was sent to you.
It is not a notice of approval.
Please check back with them if they have received it back from FBI.
You are right i went early for FP, My Original FP was scheduled for April 3rd 2003 but i did on March 21st 2003. My lawyer recieved FP notice on March 7th 2003. So you think the message just means an FP ntoice sent to me:( :( I was thinking it means something better than that??? like we recieved your FP/ We approved your case etc???
>I was thinking it means something better than that??? like we recieved your FP/ We approved your case etc???

Wishful thinking!

BTW, pretty soon, you should hear "On April 6th, the results of your FP was recieved ... processing has started ... ". If not, FP had some problems.
I got similar status for my case & I am confused.

Did my FP on a earlier date March 1, 2003 instead of March 18, 2003. I had checked status on March 9, 2003 when the telephone status said we have received your FP & processing has started on the case.

The status message changed later to "On March 7, 2003 the document we made based on the approval or registration of this case was mailed directly to the person to whom issued"

No idea what to make of this.
