Got confirmation that NC is clear


Registered Users (C)
Based on feedback from this site, I had written letters to Congman, senators etc. Got a reply from congman that had an email from FBI attached. It said that they took a decision on sept 27 and will send results to USCIS, Washington.

Upon followup with USCIS they kept on saying that NC is stuck but when I called on Oct 19 '07, an officer confirmed that the NC result has been obtained. She also said that officer is still not assigned.

She said that my wife already had her NC cleared long time ago and kid does not need one because of age.

Do any of you guys know what woudl be the next step from here and whats the typical timeframe from this stage up until the approval is granted.


PD June '03
RD Feb '05
3 EADs
3 APs
2 FPs (last one in May '07)
followups with senator, FL, congman, Ombudsman, FBI, FOIPA