Got Approved Today


Registered Users (C)
Hello All,

Our cases got approved today. Its been a long journey for me, I have been in US for 13+ years, finished couple of degrees, worked for 8+ years, and finally got my GC today. Would definately likely to thank PCEE, Kashmir and above all Rajiv Khanna for doing so much good for the community here. I am so shocked reading the recent critical judgements that were made against Kashmir and other good people who were trying to help the I-485 community. I hope people refrain from such personal attacks and use their time helping fellow I-485ers.

My case details:
PD : 06/01
Labour Approved: 12/01
I-140 Approved: 5/02
I-485 RD : 07/26/02
I-485 ND : 07/30/02
I-485 AD : 06/29/04

My WAC is 02-245;


Thanks, No RFE. EB2 Category, stayed with the same company for the entire process.
Congratulations !!

> Would definately likely to thank PCEE, Kashmir and above all Rajiv Khanna for doing so much good for the community here.

My pleasure, and enjoy your freedom,
Enjoy it!

By the way, did you receive an e-mail from them today? The approval day is 06/29/04? Since you wrote that message at 7.00 am, I'm just curious what time they start to work...