GOT APPROVED !!! - KiranHegde2

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Hi Kiran,

I already congratulated you for your new found freedom and once again please accept my heartiest congratulation.

In response to Mr. Abi posting, you have said that a certificate of non-availability of birth record from municipality plus two affidavits from older (15 yrs) relatives can replace a non available birth certificate requirement from INS at I-485 stage.

I am same boat, I am a remote villege in India, no record of birth. However, I got template for affidavits and I sent them for signature as well as notorization in India. But, I don\'t have template forcertificate of nonavailability of birth record.

Can you kindly post or send ( the template for certifiacte of nonavailability of birth record. It will be a great help to my mom and dad in India and me too, otherwise they have to fight arrogant buerocrats in India and even then I am not sure they will get one for me.

Kindly do send the material (format of text materail of the certificate you got from municipality), it will be a great help to me and my old mom and dad back home.

With advance thanks


Kishan Patel
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I will tell you, never under estimate your capabilities who knows that you may be another Bill Gates in making.

Enjoy freedom and if possible help us because majority of we are victim of greedy lawyers or shrude employers
or both

Any way regards

Kishan Patel
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Kishan, thanks.

The non-availability certificate I got was very simple. I did not dictate the format to the municipality. They have a form to issue birth certificates. They used the same form but on the form, they clearly typed something like, "We do not have any birth records for the person named XXXX who is a son of so and so from this village, district, state etc., They can also state something like, before year 19xx there were no official birth registration facility in that office etc., so they can only verify birth records after year so and so. The form looks like a typical governament form (rough texture, old press style lettering). They had put a big blue/purple seal with signature and date of the head of the department (whoever normally signs birth certificates). I was very doubtful whether that will be accepted. But I did not have any problems. Along with that I also submitted two affidavits on stamp paper.
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Hi Kiran

Thanks a lot for your prompt reply. It gave me a great relief as my parents are old now
and it is difficult for them to go around many times a office in India. But if it is like this
they will be able to manage.

Also my attorney told me that I need two notorized affidavits but he never told me affadavits
to be on stamp paper. I will advice my parents to get these affidavits on stamp papers.

BTW, I have a birth certifiacte issued from Indian High Commision Ottawa CANADA, I took it when
I was applying for Canadian PR. My attorney told me it is not sufficient that is why I am geting paper
work (BC) done from India.


Kishan Patel
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KiranHegde, Congratulations !

BTW, did you get your approval letter by mail yet ?
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According to my attorney this is the merit list he recomend and acceptable by INS. INS requies 2 notarized affidavites as:

1st affidavite from the parents. if not
2nd Brothers or sisters (including halfs) 7 year older than you or
3rd Uncle or aunt (real or any stating relationship with your parents) 15 years older than you. or

combination of above three.

It may help Kishan and others in same boat.
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Thanks veer. I haven\'t yet received the letter. I will post in this board (not in this thread) once I get it. This thread has grown so long.
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kiran- now that the pd dates for march are out did you check your i-485 reciept to check if you can apply for aos------------just kidding. the reason i am sending you this message is what is your guesstimate on the processing times. i know you have gone thru this whole process ( of course with a lot of pain but i am sure you have learned so much about the ways of ins ). we are seeing a lot of fp\'s for oct cases. how long do you think it will take them for cases up to march. just your opinion will be greatly appreciated.
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Okay, my best guess is, from now on 1 month\'s worth of 485 applications can be processed in around 20 days. So, you can get a rough idea of how long it is going to be. And for those who get RFE, you have to add 1.5 months delay to the above guess. Because, by the time RFE comes to lawyer, he sends it to employer etc., prepare the required documentation, mail it back, couple of days in mail, couple of days for INS to open the mail send it to officer and make decision will all take 1 to 1.5 months. Ofcourse there are always some cases who get to suffer from more than normal delay ( I do not know what happens to those applications but they see light very late compared to other cases with same ND).
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Hi Kiran

I am at houston, TX. Even though my lawyer sent my 485 in May 2000 to Texas it so happened that all the application that were recieved in the month of may and june, Texas INS had sent to california for the reciept numbers. so I got WAC ( California ) number instead of SRC ( Texas ) but after a month california service center had sent my application back to texas since my case does not fall into its jurisdiction. So. I got another reciept from Texas with same reciept number ( WAC .....) but with different ND as Jun 2000. Its been 8 months and I did not get my FP. But what I see in texas is FP comes pretty fast ( like in couple of months ). Do you think because of the WAC reciept number will my case be delayed or what\'s your opinion. Do suggest me to call IIO very often. Kindly reply me.

Kiran P
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Kiran, I heard that VSC has changed its policy to send FP notice when your application is very close to adjudication. May be TSC is following the same policy too. So, call IIO once and ask about FP. And then onwards, keep following messages at TSC chat board to see what dates are getting FP. If you think, you are left behind then call IIO again and ask whether there is any problem with your application as you did not get FP even though other people with your date did.

No point in calling IIOs very often. But you should call if you think something is not right and have some information to justify it.

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Hi Kiran

I also have one more issue i.e my I140 is approved in EB2 even though my case falls under EB3. Some people said my case might be rejected. Do you any info in this regard. How do you think i can avoid this situation. Kindly help me ... I called my lawyer long back and he says its INS mistake and we don\'t have to worry about it.

Kiran P
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I really do not have any definite answer for your question. Yes, it may be INS mistake, and most probably, they will not go back and re-validate your I-140 before approving 485. But, in case INS notices that, they may put the application back to EB3. And if your dates are current in EB3 you should not have a problem getting approval. Other than this, I do not expect any problem. Just my opinion.
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When did they mailed courtesy copy/approval letter?
What is the date on approval letter?

485 Approved on: Feb 1 (according to AVM. AVM changed on Feb 6)
Courtesy copy received: Feb 9