GOT APPROVED !!! - KiranHegde2

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Hi KiranHedgde2,
        Congratulations and enjoy your freedom.
     Do you know anybody who had a problem in DOB mismatch and how they handled? Since I have this problem, I am worried about getting a denial.

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Dear KiranHegde
Congratulations. You are a free person now. Wish all the success in your future.

By the way, can you tell us how did you cope
with all this crap (stress) throughout your GC process period. This helps us, who are helpless and hopeless in waiting for our GC day.

Congratulations. Enjoy the fresh air.
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Hi mkiran, Thanks. Here is a copy paste of my reply to another post in this thread.
I learnt couple of things during this process is , keep in touch with INS. Check your status on the phone system once in a while (once
   in two weeks or so). Talk to an IIO when you think you missed something like a notice or a letter. Try not to think of GC at other times. The more you think about it, the more it is going to eat up your peace of mind. Try to be busy with something or the other during your free time at home. After you do your home work of finding out the status and the progress, just keep your mind away from it. I was doing all sorts of things trying to forget my problems with my employer. Like, playing with kids, getting involved in thier school projects, try to learn oil-painting, learn to install and use Linux, take a Java certification exam, help a neighbor with his computer problems, go to Java news groups and answer other people\'s questions etc.,
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I have a friend who did not have a birth certificate, so what he did is asked his parents to swear in the court about the real birth date and get a court order from the judge instructing the municipality to issue a birth certificate with the specified date. Municipality issued it but they put the issue date as that day on which they issued it. Which was sometime in 1999. Since my friend was born in 1969 or something like that, which did not match with the issue date of the birth certificate, INS asked him to provide an auxiliary proof of birth. I guess they want something from your old highschool records or any other old documents that justify the same date of birth.

I did not have birth records. So, I got a letter from the local municipality office saying that they can not find any birth records for me. I also got two affidavits, one from my mother and one from an aunt. My mom said in the affidavit that she is very sure that my birthdate was so and so and her name and her husband ( who is not living now) is so and so. My aunt said in the affidavit that, she is my aunt and she is sure about the birth date and she knows my parents very well and their names are so and so etc., This letter was drafted by a notary and they both had to take oath to tell the truth while signing the document. This got accepted by INS without any questions.
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Hye Kiran,Though I havent read any of your postings,but I got to Congratulate you for this overwhelming response of others for your post.You must have done something real good!

As you said,to keep off my mind from this torture process,I had stopped visiting all the message boards for sometime.But guess its some kind of addcition hard to get over with.

Regarding bloodsucking Employers,HaraPata was apt!But then forget employers,even if you have Indian manager at your client site your life can be hell!

Regarding Birth Certificates - If you do not have one,get a letter from you Municipaltiy or Village Office or Corporation stating that they do not have one.And then get two affidavits from blood relations stating their full name,relation to you,how long they know you blahh...blah and then your D.O.B - This is a guideline from our Employer and it has worked for so many people whom I know.
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To be honest, I did not do anything which others are not doing on this board (sharing whatever we have learnt about this process). Somehow, these guys remembered my name and after I posted my approval, I expected couple of people to ask me questions, may be couple of congatulations. But just in 10 minutes, 8 or 10 people responded. I could not believe my eyes. I think people started recognizing regular posters. I just come here because, there are people with my kind of problems who understand me and I understand them. I have realized that just telling your problem to someone gives you a kind of relief than keeping it inside. So, I come here and tell my problem and read other people\'s problems and suggest what I sincerely think is right. I was so ignorant about the whole GC process, thats what let my employer keep me in dark for a long time. Then from past two years, I have been trying to follow highlights of everything that goes on in the immigration world. So, my employer started realizing recently that I am behaving smarter everyday and now he clearly knows, I know my options. So, he gave me a raise without asking and sent me a birthday card and calls me once in a while to ask how the project at client place is going etc., I had so much rage against him and I wanted to hold him by the collar and tell him about everything that he put me through. But since yesterday night (after I had some wine) I have decided to leave like a gentleman without insulting him. But, as he did to other employees, if he talks mean and try to insult me when I quit, I will tell him that, I did not enjoy working for him and I will tell him everything he could have done differently to earn my respect in the size of a mountain.
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From what I know about the process, before they approve your 485, they must have green signal from FP check. They either do it the normal way where they ask you to go to a finger printing center or they transfer your case to local INS where they ask you to do FP before the approval. But I am very sure, it will be a miracle if they approve a case without FP (I am not sure about kids but adults have to do FP). Try to findout whether they sent a FP notice by calling VSC. My FP notice never arrived. I only got a copy from the lawyer.
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Hi Kiran,

I am really happy for you that after years of pain and suffering, the prize is in your hands. We all should pledge that we (if we are fortunate enough) will NEVER mistreat non-immigrants.

I have one question for you as well if you could answer. I recently got my birth cert. from India and the record date is very closed to current. You mentioned in one of your previous posts INS could give RFE for that. Should I attach couple of affidavits from elders when sending I-485 to avoid those RFE? Anybody you know did that and was successful.

Once again enjoy your day and rest of your life as U.S. resident.

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I know for a fact that affidavits from people in your home country are treated as valid proof of birth by INS, provided, your local municipality (in your home country) provides a letter ( on their formal letterhead or with seal) saying your birth records are not available . I have used this method myself and did not have any problems. I also have couple of friends that did this and they also did not have any problems related to birth records. If you want to use affidavit method, I suggest that you get a non-availability certificate if that is the case. Otherwise, make sure whatever birth certificate you have clearly says that birth has been registered in the actual birth-year and they are issuing this letter after verifying the birth records. My opinion is it is not a problem if the letter was issued recently. But it should not indicate that birth was registered recently.
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Hi Kiran,

I am planning on sending my birth certificate which says that the birth was registered recently. You said then INS asks for RFE in this case . I wanted to find out what secondary evidence I could provide when I send my I-485 package to avoid that RFE. I have couple of affidavits from my relatives in US, would that work. Any other piece of paper which could say that the birth date is legit.

Thanks for taking the time.

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Hi Kiran Hegde,
People are asking you so many questions, everybody wants some kind of advise from you. You can start up your own law-firm(consulting firm).
You know more than any other lawyers out there.
Just curious are you from south Karnataka.
Roopa Prakash
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Good joke. Yes, I am from Shimoga. I am NOT an expert in immigration matters. But due to my bad employer, I had to dig into so many things many times to make sure I am okay. I filed lot of applications like EAD, H1 renewals etc myself as my boss does not spend much on lawyer. So, I started reading all instruction sheets that come with application forms 10 times before mailing the forms. I used to go to INS website and findout the procedure, fees, latest changes in their forms etc., because I did not want to mess up something with my own application. In the process I learnt little bit about the process. What is obvious to me may not be obvious for a person new to the process. So I try to share what I know. Also whenever possible I remind people that I am not an expert.