GOT APPROVED !!! - KiranHegde2

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Hello Kiran

Congratulations On your Approval.I have been working in the United States for last 7 Years for different Employers both Indian and US based companies(Yet to get GC).I worked for a Big(!!) Pittsburgh based Indian company. Left them because my Labour got rejected in 1996 and the day to day politics.

Then I Joined a Big6.I was surprised to see Indians treating other
Indians Badly. Indians In Management in this Big6 were Partial to others based on the State/Language. So Salary Hikes,Overtime Pay,Applying in EB2, Bonus were Selectively Done.Also talks were spied on for reporting to Higher Ups. SO I left them too.

Currently I work a Small company and May Hopfully get Finger print
by the end of this Year.

Congratulations on your Approval Again.
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Congratulations Kiran. Now you can kick your employer butt. I think you should teach him a lesson. I hate that kind of employers like everybody does. Anyway have a nice time and Good Luck in the future.

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Pramod, my understanding of RFEs is as follows:
- If your case is old like mine, they want to make sure you still have the job opening for the position advertised. Remember GC is for a future job. So, if the job that was advertised is of no interest to the company that filed your GC, then they do not want to give you GC. So, wherever they see such a long time gap, they send RFE for employement letter.
- If they notice any change in company name among all documents submitted then they send RFE to redo your I-140. Basically, wherever your sponsoring company name is mentioned ( labor, I-140, any other letters etc.,) they all should match. I heard INS also has list of companies whoes name got changed/merged etc., I am not sure whether that is true.
- If you have submitted a birth certificate which is issued recently, then it could be fake. So they send RFE asking for additional proof.
- If you have submitted a birth certificate which does not have your parents name (or even if it is there, it may not be matching), that generates an RFE
- If they see that you switched between visa types (F1 to H1etc.,) they want to make sure there was no gap. They send RFE.
- If they suspect that you were out of status or getting underpaid or out of job etc., they ask you to submit paystubs or W2 or tax returns etc. to make sure that you managed to have enough income to survive. They donot want you to be without a job and burden for the governament.

These are couple of reasons that might generate RFE. If you satisfy them with proper documents, you are good to go !
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Hey Kiran
 Congrats "there are plenty DESI" companys are like that , i donot want to use bad word but those companys deserve more than..., anyways As some body said "Kootha ke dum 12 saal be naali me dale to seedha nahi hota" same kind of this desi companys
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congratulations kiran. after i have read your story it re-kindles new hopes in me. you are right when it comes to the mentality of a lot of indian bosses who only think about their growth and do not think about their employees who bring them to a level which they are today. any way you enjoy every moment of this buddy because this is something which i am sure you will cherish and hopefully one day tell your grand kids. you will be missed in this board because all your answers were to the point. i am also a sufferer with a pd of july 96. the only difference is my rd and nd is july 2000. by the time they get to my file i will be wearing a wig ( hope not ). enjoy your bud pal.
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Congratulations! Your story is very moving.

On the safe side, please hang in there for 6 months more. Otherwise, if you quit or switch the job too soon, your employer can report to INS, if he wants to do so. Then INS might revoke your GC.

I read this information from some immigration lawyer web sites. Anyway, it is a very tricky area so far. Just be cautious while you enjoy your freedom.
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aravinds, Still Waiting, gch2001, garamkutta, vaoct99, Bravemind, oct799, PRAKASH CHANGLANI thank you all. I can not believe so many people responded and referred to my previous postings. This is a overwhelming response to my posting. I never thought so many guys will respond and wish me good luck. I posted my story out of excitement and the other info for people to read to compare with their dates. If I have missed anybody\'s name while thanking, please don\'t mind. My prayers to God to help you all get through this painful process. I know it is a frustrating experience. Just believe in God. Just think that everything that happens in life is a lesson learned to help us in future.
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Congratulations Kiran, your story is truly a source of courage and perseverance. It is a relief to know that good professionals can get rid of these bureucratic shackles to go out and kick some butt. It is also a shame that the current laws encourage/permit the type of practices you mention, however we also know that the alternative is to restrict the amount of professional immigrants even more. Unfotunately, that\'s the way politics work. Good luck and all the best!
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Girish, I honestly do not know how EB2 with BS+5 as well as Ms+3 work. I was in EB3 category and I did not do any research to findout the qualifications for EB2. One thing I heard from people is that, they look for progressive experience that qualifies you for the 5 years you mention on labor or I-140. They might consider your previous experience as Sr.Programmer Analyst as a step towards becoming a Technical Lead. It is all in the hands of your immigration attorney. I have seen people who barely had the qualification for EB2 getting GC in EB2. Attorney\'s know how to present your experience in the form INS requires. So, talk to your lawyer. May be you can even spend for an hour\'s worth of consultation with an attorney like Rajiv Khanna. In the worst case, INS will approve your 140 in EB3 category. I have seen that happen to couple of friends.
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Yaar i think I have some questions my RD is OCT/12/99 and i havent heard from them yet not even for FP can any1 help me
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Bhargav, they are processing files from dates around yours. Due to the processing speed of some IIOs, your file might be picked up little late. It happened to me. So many people that have later ND got approved first. Then they touched my file and generated RFE. But if you have not got FP atleast, there must be something wrong. Did your mailing address change recently ? Call VSC and check whether they have mailed anything in past couple of months. I moved from NJ to GA and I never received my FP notice. Only my attorney recieved it. He forwarded it to me. So, check with your attorney too. I really think they must have sent FP by this time. Is your PD current ? If not current, then that may be the reason why they have not asked you to do FP. After I received FP notice from attorney, I called VSC just to make sure they have my new address. They had my new address but the lady told me that FP notices are sent using another system which is updated less frequently and it may still have my old address. Scary right ? but that is true.
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So they would not process my file untill they have my Finger prints
is that so let me know man as my case is littel bit complicated...please help yaar
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I had been wanting to write in response to your mail but the last couple of days here in NJ have been very treacherous due to the snow storm causing power outage.

First of all, congrats on finally having made it. Your sad story with employer is a real eye opener. Having worked for one such employer I can feel your pain. I was lucky I got out of it after one year. It might have cost me a lot in terms of GC process. It has taken me almost 5 years (Pd Mar/96, RD Oct/22/99, EB3/India, No FP )and I still do not have my GC yet. Yet I am satisfied that I did not have to deal with this disgusting employer. No one should treat you like dirt. Some of your observations about employer match my ex-employer.

There is no fun in going through this crap. In my opinion, you should take some action against the moron employer.

Kiran, I really appreciate your contributions to this board. You have been very generous and shared a lot of information for the benefit of all. With your vast experience with INS, you are directly helping a lot of others. I am happy for you that you are free but a little sad that we won\'t have the benefit of your company on this board.

Good luck to you for your future. You can breathe fresh air.
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Thank you buddy. I learnt couple of things during this process is , keep in touch with INS. Check your status on the phone system once in a while (once in two weeks or so). Talk to an IIO when you think you missed something like a notice or a letter. Try not to think of GC at other times. The more you think about it, the more it is going to eat up your peace of mind. Try to be busy with something or the other during your free time at home. After you do your home work of finding out the status and the progress, just keep your mind away from it. I was doing all sorts of things trying to forget my problems with my employer. Like, playing with kids, getting involved in thier school projects, try to learn oil-painting, learn to install and use Linux, take a Java certification exam, help a neighbor with his computer problems, go to Java news groups and answer other people\'s questions etc.,