GOT APPROVED !!! - KiranHegde2

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Congratulations Kiran,

Wish you luck with your newfound freedom. Situation is not any different with most desi recruiters. But there is light at the end of the tunnel. All the best again.

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It is better not to mention name neither any bad words against your current employer. Still the employer has a say in employment based GC process.

Congratulations Kiran. I entered into this phase 2 years back waiting for 1-485 approval. Your scenario is giving me lots of courage.
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Hi Kiran,

Congratulations....good that you kept it going with that
blood-sucker employer.. I will like to suggest you that in
GC approval happiness, don\'t forget to make your employer
repent. Only a hope that another Kiran won\'t have to suffer
as much as you did. Atleast do something that your sucker
employer realise what he did was wrong and can understand
that how to treat professionals and not to treat as prostitute.

I am sorry my language might be offensive but, what those sucker
employer does is WORST.

Thanks guys for your time.
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By the way Happy Birthday Belated. When is your B\'day, Mine is Today.

Wishing you a happy and prosperous future.

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congrats buddy.. i constantly read your postings in this board and they are very informative....btw i have not joined this board yet...
good luck and enjoy ur PR!!
God bless you!
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We all know that it is not only Kiran who is going through rough time with the employer and there are others too. It is very shameful that even the Indian employer\'s treat us like dirt.

Although we can\'t change their personality or behaviour, atleast some of us ( immigrants ) can set an example. I am possitive that down the road some of us will our own business and when we employ non-immigrants by sponsoring, we should all keep in mind what Kiran and others have gone through.

Once again congratulations Kiran!!
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Thanks vs and Boston V.

Boston V, I agree with you. The reason I posted my story is with a hope that it might make some to open their eyes to the pain and suffering of others. My request to those who are planning to start a company and hire people: Please understand that those you hire have their hopes and dreams, they come to work for you with a hope that you will lead them there. It is perfectly fine for you to grow. But share your success with those who work for you. My employer does not have any overhead at all but he takes a big chunk of my earnings. It is a single person show. My employer does everything himself, starting from sending resume\'s to negotiating contract to billing clients. He has one secretary to answer phone (He hired her to have an American accent answer the phone. Thats all). Anyway, I hope and pray that God help you fulfil your dreams.
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Congratulations Kiran ! It is a great news. You have been a great contributor to this board. Sure, we shall miss you. You have really spent tough years with that stupid employer. So now as soon as possible get rid of him. But , remember normally lawyers insist that you spend some time with that employer in the post which was mentioned in your GC application. Please check with your lawyer.

Congratulations again and wish you the best in future life !!

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Congratulation, I know what you feel I am in the same situation only this time they are not giving me the employment letter for RFE. They are bringing different reason which even can not sell it to a child anyway get out of that place as soon as possible. some companies are building their wealth by exploiting others. I wish you the best
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Congratulations Kiran! I have been seeing your messages and reply\'s to many of the fellow members. You digested lot of things(rules and regulations) and what to do and what not to do in your last 4-5 yrs of experience. I think after next 15 days or a month after you may not be visiting this page as regularly as you are now. So if you don\'t mind can you email me to, so that I can contact you to take any suggestions/questions from you at a later time.

Could you tell me for my little analysis of what cases they are issuing/not issuing REF. It would be kind enough if you could tell me, whether you had any change of address or client location change or any company merger(may not be applicable in your case) after you applied I-485.

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Kiran..Congratulations on getting GC. Let us all know who the employer is once you get your GC. According to the new law this will not happen. Anyone on H1 can quit within a day and join another company. So, consultants can keep on changing jobs until they find a good company that treats its employees well. Then they can start their GC process (even if there is only an year left on H1)..... Well, what is the use writing this in this forum.

Patiently waiting for this shit (Sorry, have been struggling for the past 4.5 years to get GC. Been without job for 6m because H1 expired) to be over. Once over I will reveal some other dirty facts of this business
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Finally 5 years of job arrest is over, enjoy this freedom, with this overwhelming support you must be enjoying these movements.

I was reading ur suggestion/experience all over the board every day. I got lot of useful information. Still waiting for rfe.

I think your experience is more useful for those who are applying for GC or even H1, so those message boards will be get more benefit rather than those waiting for approval.

Suggestion regarding employee and employer relationship.
- Donot disclose ur company name publically, individually its ok.
- Remember your employer will give your reference in the next job
- Act like a professional, with this freedom, be a strong professional
donot let the employer to take your advantage anymore.
- Also remember u have 5 year of experience with this only employer, which u can sell, try to improve the relationship, if not get another job and quit.

best of luck.