Goods to follow list question, urgent!


Registered Users (C)
Hi Folks,

I am not sure as to how detailed should the "goods to follow list should be. Should I just list most of the major electronics (TV, laptop, camcorder, etc), car, furniture pieces (mattress set, sofa, dining set), and so on or does it have to be a very detailed list with serial numbers, etc?

I was thinking of keeping it relatively simple, listing big-ticket items and then generalizing on the small ones under headings such as "Books for MBA, computers, etc, Value $500.

Also, regarding jewellery, do I have to list each and every piece of jewellery that my wife has, with detailed description/photograph or can I generally say stuff like "One womens gold necklace" and get away with it? It's too late in the night and I would LOVE to keep it simple!

I understand this topic has been covered at different times / threads, but appreciate any response / experience wrt. this during landing as well as the move...


Appreciate any help fro
srp10 said:
Hi Folks,

I am not sure as to how detailed should the "goods to follow list should be. Should I just list most of the major electronics (TV, laptop, camcorder, etc), car, furniture pieces (mattress set, sofa, dining set), and so on or does it have to be a very detailed list with serial numbers, etc?

I was thinking of keeping it relatively simple, listing big-ticket items and then generalizing on the small ones under headings such as "Books for MBA, computers, etc, Value $500.

Also, regarding jewellery, do I have to list each and every piece of jewellery that my wife has, with detailed description/photograph or can I generally say stuff like "One womens gold necklace" and get away with it? It's too late in the night and I would LOVE to keep it simple!

I understand this topic has been covered at different times / threads, but appreciate any response / experience wrt. this during landing as well as the move...


Appreciate any help fro

Hi srp10,

You can generalise certain items like books, clothes etc and put an approximate value. Jewellery also I di put only one entry like "JEWELLERY" which I included watches and had two photographs taken together. Photographs of jewellery are important as the customs officer told me.
Hope this helps.


Look at the landing process thread you will see several posts on landing and members have uploaded sample landing documents that they have used
List serial nos of all major electronic items like TV, Camcorder etc.
Reg. furnitures, list them and put a reasonable value - the officers are not concerned at the values at all.
Reg. jewels, take photos and sum up all their values and enter them in the list as " Jewels - see attached photos Value C$XXXXXXX"