Good start this week. Few approvals. But, question is why would NSC approve Mar/April\'01 cases when

Does EB2 have priority over EB3?

From the trend it looks like EB2 gets faster approvals(Feb, Mar, Apr-2001) than EB3.
NSC does some action. I have heard they

are trying to minimize the processing time down to 6 months by 2003.
So they may be trying to process all 2001 within a year time frame.
May be this is not true but I have heard that whoever applies in the beginning of 2002 should get approvals within nine-ten months.
Have you heard anything like this about NSC?
No Title

INS had a goal to process these cases in 6 months by Sep. 2002.
May be they apply this goal only to new cases filed in Jan. 2001 and onwards.
That is for India. Other country people would have still filed lot many applications between Jan and

Every time we discuss a NSC issue, we never reach a logical conclusion. So, its upto you and me to reach out to our imagination.
Hope they don\'t forget these cases unlike what they did
in Year 2000. At that time they forgot many of Aug/Sep\'99 cases
and, GOD, those guys struggled to get their files back on desks.
It took about 18-20 months for those unfortuinate folks.

We don\'t want to see another such mess in NSC>.
How do they eat?

Hi Ramukesi,

Can you tell us more detail how do those individual eat?

I think some of the latest approvals have to do with the premium processing, which required additional fees. Please comments.
this may help?

I have heard from someone here earlier that INS takes a couple of months of files at a time and assigns to officers. You could get lucky and get approval earlier than someone else who was a couple of months before you. If that is the case, you will get yours soon. Say, for example, they process 3 months at a time. If you are lucky, your file can be picked up early or later in that window.