Good One

Where is the Money

Outsourcing actually creates U.S. jobs, study finds

Where is the good News for those of us who would like to live and work here?

This may be good for guys in India or China for short term. Correct me if I am wrong, I don't see how outsourcing professional jobs or service jobs is good for me.
I am waiting so long here to get my GC based on my employment and you are telling me Outsourcing my job is good news.

Are you willing to go back wherever it might be and work for a fraction of what you get here in USA? If so why you wait and dragged into the process of getting GC where nobody knows the end.

Outsourcing actually creates U.S. jobs. Where In Mc. Donald’s or 7-Eleven please educate me ......

This is just my opinion.

These economists don't think like you and me. They don't look at individual cases, they always try to draw a bigger picture. They don't see immediate benefits of outsourcing tech jobs, but their prediction is this in-turn will create jobs in other sectors in future.

I for one am not for outsourcing. It hurts me like everybody else here. But they have a valid point if you look at it logically, but then they are not always right.

One thing is sure that outsourcing has controlled the IT wages that were getting out of bounds. I remember a time when SAP consultants used to bill more than $250 /hour. Now the same guy is doing same(or better) job in less than $100 to stay in competetion.

Outsourcing or Not, One thing is clear here - "No job is for life". The professionals here must be flexible enough to change careers to keep up with the change in technologies

$250 an hour for SAP consultants? dont you think that's ridiculous!! :D :D :D

am for outsourcing. it creates competition, when there's a competition you get a quality product. you cant close all the doors and sit inside the four walls right?...:D :D . This is a great country and the policy makers wont do that....outsourcing is not a new thing, its been there for years....this is America....

On one thing you are right, "No job is for life" so keep developing/upgrading ur skills ........instead of whining.. :D :D :D :D
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