Good news or Bad news--- PD current for all categries


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Will it generate more backlogs?
Just think even unskilled people which ID was 1995 also become current. So the processing time maybe will back a lot.
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You are partially correct.
Eventually, the PDs will go back in few months once the extra GC\'s unused from 1999 and 2000 are used up.
Then after the visas flow from EB1-EB2-EB3------, so in reality it shouldn\'t effect much for skilled people. And don\'t forget the per country limit is no more. But the flow of visas from top to bottom will always be there. So the unskilled person with PD 1995 is not going to any harm to EB2 or EB3 people, they have to get visas within their quota or ANY UNUSED VISAS FROM UPPER Categories.
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It may generate backlog. However, GC applicants need not worry about lay offs after 180 days. This is somewhat better than without being current.
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You, as well, are partially corrrect. What you say about the flow of visas is correct, but what about the time to process all these cases which have suddenly been made current. What with all those 245i applications sitting there ? As it is the number of officers who seem to work on these kind of cases is pathetic. Imagine what happens to processing times once these new applications also come in. Maybe it will take couple of months to even open up the mail ?!!!.
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It will be more waiting time for EB2 category because once everything
current INS will process all EB3-EB2-EB4.
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It depends on anyone\'s EB and PD/ND dates. There is no absolute answer. As my point of view it\'s great news.
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Backlog!!!INS never has backlog!!! Come on guys what is new with INS: This will be one more reason for those junkies to delay our paperwork!!
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My reaction to this is like the scene in movies when you see the two images pop up, one(the angel, I guess) telling you what\'s right and the other(the devil) telling you the opposite.

Well, in this case the angel is telling me that I should be considerate and happy for all the people who can now apply for AOS and for the ones who haven\'t got their approvals and have been waiting for a long time, because of the fact that their priority dates weren\'t current.

The devil, on the other hand, is telling me that I should be concerned and worried, cuz the processing times will now grow exponentially and there is no freedom in sight, yet.

My ND 12/12/2000
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I always had this question . IS state dept (who issues a visa number)
maintaining how many visas are leftover in EB1, EB2 to be passed over to EB3? I think when all the dates are current, They will start issuing the visas on a FIFO basis.
More than number of visas , processing time is a big concern now as there are millions of applications that have to be processed. INS sofar did 500,000 a year max. Now there are few million already pending according to INS statistics. How many years to process these?
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I don\'t think there is any threat to us in any way. All of us EB2 and EB3 waiters who have applied for a AOS and are waiting in the pipe will be processed on FIFO basis. Because of the PD being current many more EB3 applicants will apply for AOS and will get a ND date of this month. They will also enter the pipe now. INS strictly processes AOS on the basis of ND date. So I don\'t see any threat to any of us who have much earlier ND dates.
CORRECT me if I am missing something.
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I don\'t think there is any threat to any of us in any way. All of us EB2 and EB3 waiters who have applied for a AOS and are
  waiting in the pipe will be processed on FIFO basis. Because of the PD being current many more EB3 applicants will
  apply for AOS and will get a ND date of this month. They will also enter the pipe now. INS strictly processes AOS on
  the basis of ND date. So I don\'t see any threat to any of us who have much earlier ND dates.
  CORRECT me if I am missing something.
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Guys I think making the EB3 current will delay EB2 approvals enormously. If you remember way back in sep/oct of 1999 all categories were current and INS received lot of EB3 applications, but INS never processed these applications as the priority dates were rolled back at that time. Since priority dates are now current INS is bound to adjudicate these applications which are sitting in the INS cofers. End result EB2 applicants will be pushed back by a mile which is a lot of distance considering the snail\'s pace of INS.

Congrats to all the EB3 applicants of 1999.