Good News for early July filers. By God’s grace my case approved. RD: 7/6/01


Registered Users (C)
Note: I could not update this forum immediately on 4/10/02 because I forgot my email password to validate my full time member privilege which required now to post your message in this web site but finally I got it.

This message is really going to be a big boost for July filers, especially early July filers.
As per the AVM (4/10/02- 7.40 pm PST) my case has been approved on April 9th 2002.

July filers please check the AVM it could be your turn.

Here is my case history:

PD: 4/9/00
FP: 3/12/02
AVM: March 20th 2002 “FP received process resumed”
EAC-01-253 –5xxxx
AD: 4/9/02

1. I changed my address (by calling VSC IIO) after I received my EAD and AP in Sep 2001.
2. I called IIO in Jan 2002 for address update verification but IIO told their database shows the old address and took my new address.
3. I received FP notice in last week of Feb 2002. FP scheduled for 2nd week of April.
4. But I did early FP on 3/12/2002.
5. I heard the AVM “This case has bee approved” on 4/10/2002 7.40 pm PST (Earlier FP is really works).

I am really happy that my case has been approved within 4 weeks after my FP done. It is now very clear that FP date has no connection with approval date as long as you done your FP before/within the INS current RD month processing period (actual RD processing period not published one). So July filers who got late FP notice don’t worry your case will be treated as regular July cases.

My special and sincere thanks to Milk, greaty-k for their excellent work and Rajiv Kanna for hosting this wonderful web site. Milk and greaty-k you guys are rock.

Milk please update your list.

Hi greaty-k, I have already updated

Hi another_wish, I have also updated immitracker.

I have gone through salary cuts and other problem last few months and I know the pain and worries of being a H1B slave. It is a great relief guys. I wish you all “Good Luck” for your speedy approval.

I want to thank all active member of this forum for his/her valuable inputs. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me I will reply to your questions.

I will update after I receive my approval notice and PP stamping. Best of luck guys!!

Dear friends,

I have a question. My H1B visa and 1-94 expired on December 2001 but I got new H1B visa extension with attached new I-94. My question is should I give both expired I-94 and new I-94 to the INS officer when going for GC stamping on passport?

Thanks again.
They will take the I-94s

It doesnt really matter becuase the I-94 numbers are the same. But do keep both of them in the passoprt and hand it to them whenevr you depart.

Congratulations. Thanks for the update. Get Stamped!

All the best.
Thanks patienceGC. But I heard we have to ...

Thanks patienceGC. But I heard we have to handover all I-94s to the INS officer during the PP stamping at local INS.
Oh I did not know about that

I dont have a GC. So I dont know.

I thought every not citizen had to have an I-94.

Thats interesting.
surrender the I-94


When you go for stamping, just surrender your I-94\'s. You don\'t need them now anyway. I did the same thing when I got my PP stamped
