good Breaking news!


Registered Users (C)
Question One : When will the "freeze" be over?

Answer : It appears that, at least for I-485 (Adjustment of Status) cases,
there has been a thawing of the "freeze." As we reported December 20, 2002
in our article, "Update on Processing Delays"
< >, the INS states that they have nearly
completed their upgrade of the computer background check systems. This will
allow them to obtain the needed feedback. They stated that they are
currently able to obtain the needed information, but that the "freeze" has
created a backlog.

EDITORIAL COMMENTS : In tracking our own I-485 cases, we received what we
believe to be the first "post-freeze" approval. The Law Office of Sheela
Murthy received an I-485 approval from the Vermont Service Center (VSC) last
week. The case, filed November 30, 2001, was approved December 16, 2002. The
notice arrived a few days after the approval. Prior to the receipt of this
notice, our Office experienced a three-week break in approval notices. Given
our caseload, this three-week hiatus was unusual and attributable to the
"freeze." We will continue to track these matters.
It is Good News

It is Good News. Hopefully we will see ton's approvals next week
Where did you get this excerpt from?

Where did you get this excerpt from?
Thank you in advance for your information.
Yea honestly there has been some activity. But y'know I would still be concerned about the pace of approvals post freeze.
Ghost rider, I've seen some activity. None to make me jump with joy though. I saw a few RFE's sent in the 12/20's, but no approvals really. Then christmas set in. Hopefully January will bring some well deserved and waited for good news.
no activity...yet

One case changed from FP sent to Resumed. That's all we got for wac02-064 and wac02-065 series for the past month.

I understood there were people ahead of us deserved their approvals first. But, a couple of months passed, they are still ahead of us and waiting...:(
We're been Optimistic

Every time we see a approval, or hear some news, all we say is that we shall expect a flood of approval in future. This has never been true. I know being Optimist is the only thing we can do. But INS SUCKS and it SUCKS BAD.

- MagicGC
HeHe MagicGC,

Join the club. INS Sucks so bad I don't have any words to describe them.

But coming back to the original point about being optimistic, I feel if we are not optimistic we will go mad with this waiting! :)

Taking the news currently available to us, I feel there will be a sharp spike in the approval process. Nothing like a storm but maybe a light rain! :) (Optimistic again? :))

Good luck to all of us and a happy new year. Here is hoping INS comes back from its vacation in a happy and productive mood!
Well, if you are optimistic you are bound to be disappointed. And over time the wait is going to be just as bad. If you want to avoid a bad wait, avoid waiting at all. Go on with your life keep an alternative to GC (and thats the absolute worst case).

of course everyone deals with bad wait their own way. (diet maybe?)

good luck all...
I agree with neeru. I am mentally prepared to go back to India, where girls are sweet and food is free of chemicals. The two best things in the world. Yea I wouldn't have a BMW, but .. whoooooo caressssssssssss.
Well I accept that returning to India is a thought that has occured to me in the past. I guess as of right now, I don't have any major complaints (other than the slow speed of processing, which while irritating doesn't really affect my life as such), otherwise I would be packing my bags right now instead of just bitching about it.

I think there are merits to being optimistic (which does not imply that we should not look at other options like a country that wants our skills/experience), simply because we are so close to getting over the edge of the cliff.

If we carry the attitude that there is no point in attempting it, since we are going to be disappointed in the end, there is no point in even getting out of bed. That would make us out to be defeatists. It is better to hope that tomorrow will be better and we will get our cases approved soon. These setbacks are not really as bad as what some people face in life. So we can't quit now. I am a strong supporter of the idea that we need to be pro-active in our attempts to obtain our green cards, ping more senators, write more emails etc. I think we will succeed.
This is an interesting discussion though.

My I140 went through so fast, I din't really get a chance to know any of the people on that forum, and here thanks to INS, forcing us to spend time in the same shit hole, we have all gotten to know each other pretty well. To the extant that we share each others joys and happiness. :)

I guess some good comes out of everything. And that is another way to look at it.