Good AC-21 lawyear


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Can any one suggest me the name of a good lawyear who is experienced in AC-21.

My labour approved job title is Programmer Analyst and currently I have a offer with job title 'Lead Info System Engineer' . If I accept the new job, will it be considered a similar job ?

Any help is appreciated.

Kempster, Keller & Lenz-Calvo, Ltd

Under the main attorney there will be associates to take care of the individual cases based on the stage like I-140, I-485 etc.

Ask specifically for Christi Seitz. She did an excellent job for me. When i had that lawyer through my previous employer i did not specifically ask for Christi but now i can suggest any one, after knowing how efficiently she dealt my case (though simple), to go for her.

Their phone number is :

312 341 9730. They are located in Chicago. Their web site address is

Try. My case is also AC-21.