Going for IV without invitation


Registered Users (C)
What do you guys think if I go to D.O on the date of my interview ( which is now descheduled , without new date set.) and try to talk to the IO to find out why they descheduled the IV? What's the worst thing that could happened?

Your thoughts please.

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I think you crazy :D
For you to talk to IO u need Infopass :p
On a serious note , wait for your turn bro ... you cant just barge into "Homeland Security" and ask them why ... It's more likely an administrative issue or whatever
Good luck anyways
CLISP has a point, however indelicately put. They will not even let you through the door without an appointment letter. If you need to ask questions, again, you need an Infopass letter. I don't know what you mean by "IO". If it means "immigration officer", you should get an Infopass.
I have the interview letter , it's just that they descheduled the interview without any date mentioned . The notice says the descheduling is due to " unforeseen circumstances " and that they will inform me on a separate notice of the new interview date.

Unfortunately, they did not mention any reason why they descheduled the interview , If I had only known why , it could have made my life easy , I am not trying to persuade them for anything , I just want to know why, that's all.
I am not sure if it is same as the other DO. In Santa Ana, infopass appointment's entry is different than the Interview appointment.

I wonder if the interview officer would speak with you in person thru infopass appt.
Thank you all for your kind contribution and for your personal time you took to reply to my quiry, I will wait till Mid May and if nothing received , then I will go for Info Pass.
ocworker said:
I am not sure if it is same as the other DO. In Santa Ana, infopass appointment's entry is different than the Interview appointment.

I wonder if the interview officer would speak with you in person thru infopass appt.

You can't speak to an interviewer. For one, no one would know until that day who is going to interview you. Secondly, they just don't talk to people. Only the subordinates at the counter will answer questions.

I'd say don't even wait until May. I don't know how long it takes to get an Infopass at your office, but when I did it in Norfolk, it two weeks just to get an appointment.
If you have a couple of hours to kill, you can try Infopass but don't expect to get a great explanation of what's going on. My Infopass appointment was over in 5 minutes. I was told that my security check is pending, has been pending since March '05, it might take up to 4 years to resolve it, so deal with it. It took every single bit of patience in my body not to start laughing at her since I knew that their 120 days were up at the time of the appointment. I filed a lawsuit shortly after my trip to their office.
Infopass at NY DO

foreverafter, if i recall you are from the Federal Plaza, DO. I believe the Infopass officers are very helpful and give accurate information on the case. I know that since my daughter had recently been there 2 times for rescheduling her interview and they did exactly what they said. My suggestion is to take an Infopass appointment right away, and you will know what the position is- at least it will save you a lot of anxiety of the unknown!
All the best
If you read long enough in this forum you'll find out that most of the people that got descheduled got a new letter for interview in a month or some
Now if you would've had background pending or whatever then you would have to join the long wait shrine , but unforseen can mean many many things
one of them your interview officer got sick or went in a vacation ...
ocworker said:
I am not sure if it is same as the other DO. In Santa Ana, infopass appointment's entry is different than the Interview appointment.

I wonder if the interview officer would speak with you in person thru infopass appt.
You said u wanted to work for INS ... hmmm
IF you had an interview letter and then received a notice that canceld your interview , you cant use that interview notice anymore ... nor u cant go in there and try to fool them , since them keep log of everythin so if u wanna ask about your case , use infopass as in why they canceled your interview
also , lets see when u get to the booth at Information Immigration Officer , and ask why , he knows the person that was gona interview you ... this is possible on a smaller ins , but not at federal plaza in NYC no way . The IIO would be kind enough to tell u the reason , that would not help u a bit
Interview Officers dont chitchat with you at Infopass booth for sure , they way busy , if anythin the IIO can go inside to his desk and ask him a question about your case , "if" you have a legit reason ...
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i got the same notice

i got the same deschedule notice 2 weeks b4 my interview date. (interview date is 5/10)
can u tell me how u get the Infopass?
has anyone u heard of gotten the reschedule notice and how long does has it taken to arrive and when was the next appt
thank u
but what if a person's iv gets descheduled and he never gets the mail....so he goes to the do with his old iv and at the most the io is going to tell him that his iv got descheduled right?but,if he is lucky the io might brief him as to what the problem is...and that would definitely help him out,coz the poor guy is gonna have some sleepless nights anyways.... :)
i mean things happen so i was just curious,its not a crime to go to the iv without knowledge that the interview got postponed....
its not like the person is robbing a bank or breaking the law....
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tryingtomakeit said:
i got the same deschedule notice 2 weeks b4 my interview date. (interview date is 5/10)
can u tell me how u get the Infopass?
has anyone u heard of gotten the reschedule notice and how long does has it taken to arrive and when was the next appt
thank u
try this http://infopass.uscis.gov/
In most cases you could get a new interveiw letter anywhere between 2-4 weeks , but it all depends from case to case .
thank u for the information.
hopefully it will not take more that 2-4 weeks, its very concerning to not hear anything else from INS after that very vague notice about deschedule.