going back to POC--regarding the fact sheet


Registered Users (C)
I have 3 personal thoughts regarding this memo, please correct me if I am wrong.

1: You can absolutely safely travel to POC and return after you become a citizen as long as you can get the visa of POC.

2: PR travel back to POC still have a little risk, there is a little chance IO might question the purpose of your trip and if your answer can not satisfy them, they can put bad things on your record and you will have trouble when you apply citizenship and/or USCIS will contact you later to revoke your GC if they think your case is a fraud. The IO cannot take your GC away at the airport.

3: The fact sheet didn’t make the #2 situation worse or better. USCIS just explicitly said there is a risk. Before the publish of this fact sheet, everyone (us and USCIS) knows there is a risk, we just didn’t see an official document which clearly describe it.

4: A PR go back to POC with a Reentry permit will be much much safer if he/she clearly typed in the reentry permit application that the destination of the trip is the POC and the purpose is visiting sick parents/get married etc. In this situation, I think USCIS already “pre- approved your return to POC before your trip”.
surprise77 said:
I have 3 personal thoughts regarding this memo, please correct me if I am wrong.

1: You can absolutely safely travel to POC and return after you become a citizen as long as you can get the visa of POC.

2: PR travel back to POC still have a little risk, there is a little chance IO might question the purpose of your trip and if your answer can not satisfy them, they can put bad things on your record and you will have trouble when you apply citizenship and/or USCIS will contact you later to revoke your GC if they think your case is a fraud. The IO cannot take your GC away at the airport.

3: The fact sheet didn’t make the #2 situation worse or better. USCIS just explicitly said there is a risk. Before the publish of this fact sheet, everyone (us and USCIS) knows there is a risk, we just didn’t see an official document which clearly describe it.

4: A PR go back to POC with a Reentry permit will be much much safer if he/she clearly typed in the reentry permit application that the destination of the trip is the POC and the purpose is visiting sick parents/get married etc. In this situation, I think USCIS already “pre- approved your return to POC before your trip”.

I think you are right, Are you a mechanical engineer?
surprise77 said:
I have 3 personal thoughts regarding this memo, please correct me if I am wrong.

1: You can absolutely safely travel to POC and return after you become a citizen as long as you can get the visa of POC.

2: PR travel back to POC still have a little risk, there is a little chance IO might question the purpose of your trip and if your answer can not satisfy them, they can put bad things on your record and you will have trouble when you apply citizenship and/or USCIS will contact you later to revoke your GC if they think your case is a fraud. The IO cannot take your GC away at the airport.

3: The fact sheet didn’t make the #2 situation worse or better. USCIS just explicitly said there is a risk. Before the publish of this fact sheet, everyone (us and USCIS) knows there is a risk, we just didn’t see an official document which clearly describe it.

4: A PR go back to POC with a Reentry permit will be much much safer if he/she clearly typed in the reentry permit application that the destination of the trip is the POC and the purpose is visiting sick parents/get married etc. In this situation, I think USCIS already “pre- approved your return to POC before your trip”.

Well, for your #4, I am not sure if COP consulate will grant you visa if they see your Birth Place on the RP is COP. They may grill you as what happened to your NP.. Further, if you are lucky enough to get visa because of the carelessness of the COP consular, you may still have this problem when you land in your COP customes, you may wish that COP officer is foolish too :)

So far, I have NOT seen a single successful example of your #4.
GrassRoot said:
Well, for your #4, I am not sure if COP consulate will grant you visa if they see your Birth Place on the RP is COP. They may grill you as what happened to your NP.. Further, if you are lucky enough to get visa because of the carelessness of the COP consular, you may still have this problem when you land in your COP customes, you may wish that COP officer is foolish too :)

So far, I have NOT seen a single successful example of your #4.

Can people travel back COP with their GC, Re-entry permit and NP? If yes, he doesn't need apply visa on the Re-entry permit. When he returns US, does he show GC+ NP or NP+Re-etry permit or even all of them?
surprise77 said:
I have 3 personal thoughts regarding this memo, please correct me if I am wrong.

1: You can absolutely safely travel to POC and return after you become a citizen as long as you can get the visa of POC.

2: PR travel back to POC still have a little risk, there is a little chance IO might question the purpose of your trip and if your answer can not satisfy them, they can put bad things on your record and you will have trouble when you apply citizenship and/or USCIS will contact you later to revoke your GC if they think your case is a fraud. The IO cannot take your GC away at the airport.

3: The fact sheet didn’t make the #2 situation worse or better. USCIS just explicitly said there is a risk. Before the publish of this fact sheet, everyone (us and USCIS) knows there is a risk, we just didn’t see an official document which clearly describe it.

4: A PR go back to POC with a Reentry permit will be much much safer if he/she clearly typed in the reentry permit application that the destination of the trip is the POC and the purpose is visiting sick parents/get married etc. In this situation, I think USCIS already “pre- approved your return to POC before your trip”.

With respect to number 3, certain people insisted before the release of this fact sheet that there was absolutely no risk. They still insist so NOW. They are misleading people who are naive enought to believe them.
I think the fact sheet come up from a common sense. but there's some situations do exists but the fact sheet can not include.

Many of us come to US many years ago, we applied asylum based on the fact we did get percesution from COP. But after these years, the situation did change in the COP after we got our GC, if you visit your the country for a short period time, should have no harm done to you. How USCIS going to explain that? Fundermental changes in COP, terminate asylum status, what about the GC? When they adjust you from asylee to LPR, everything is valid.

kiev said:
With respect to number 3, certain people insisted before the release of this fact sheet that there was absolutely no risk. They still insist so NOW. They are misleading people who are naive enought to believe them.

With all due respect, nobody, ever, ever, ever, said on this board that there is "absolutely" no risk, nor is anyone still insisting now.

The only one misleading, in my opinion, by making this statement is you.
I absolutely agree with sea_blue.

I got my asylum case approved in 2000 and became a PR in early 2006. I recently traveled back to CoP with NP. Before I traveled back, I did check with my attorney, one of the best in DC, about my particular case and he said that I wouldnt face any problems either coming back or when I apply for my citizenship. He just said that you should always tell the truth and don't hide any facts. He said that in my particular case, the circumstances have changed since 2000 and the fact that I'm going there on a short trip and not to take up residency there does not constitute as evidence for fraud on my asylum application. I even discussed the "fact sheet" with him and he said that it changes nothing.

I had no trouble in CoP but I was sent to the secondary at JFK. The IO told me that they needed to do a name check because of my common last name and that happens a thousand times a day. So it took them about half an hour to do the check and after that they called me and told me that I was good to go. No questions were asked about the reason I traveled back.
I agree (and I hope it is accurate) with the original analysis presented by surprise77

vertigo - thank you for sharing your lawyer's feedback. I too, had contacted my lawyer (well known) who said he has not heard of a person whose GC was revoked due to traveling back to COP. He said while in theory the possibility exists, in reality it is a very time consuming process.

I certainly hope USCIS has more important things to do than to chase around poor asylees or ex-asylee GC holders..

GC have categories written on the front part. Asylees categories are AS6 for principal, AS7 for spouse and AS8 for son/daughter.