Going back into US


Registered Users (C)
Hi all. I was in the US over the allowed time, and the immigration offcials found out I was their, and sent me back to Canada. I was in the US for a year, and thought I was able to stay their for that yr without trouble. I came to find out from the immigration officer, that I was only allowed 6 months. My question is this: Am I allowed beck in the US in 6 months?, or do I have to wait longer?
 Please advise....I miss my fiance terribly, and want to reunite with him as soon as I\'m able. Thnx for any input Kate
Going Back to the US

It would be best if you applied for a Fiance Visa with INS. Check out the INS web site for more information.
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Hi hasher...When the Immigration officer came, he said that someone had in fact called him. He also stated that the reason for the call was that, there was a Canadian working in a town close to where I was residing. The officer even knew my name. That tells me it was someone who knew me. I am at this point very concerned that because of all this, I will not be reunited with my fiance. We will be filing the k1-visa shortly, but worried they will deny it. I\'m hoping that someone will read this, and give me some reassurance that all will be ok. It would be a huge understatement to say the least as to the heartache this has caused us both...You can\'t begin to imagine it.
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This is wierd. How did this person know your name and know where to find you. Anyways thats not whats important.
The law it seems is a 1 year bar for rentry if you overstay your permitted time by 6 months and 3 years if you overstay by 1 year. Looks like you overstayed by 6 mths so unfortunately you may be subject to the 1 year bar. I suggest that talk to an attorney. there are attorney specialize in US imm law that are located in toronto, niagara falls etc.