Giving up checking online status

With the way things get lost in mail, at the ATTY's office and a myriad other ways, I wouldn't give up checking the online status, even though it ends up a disappointment.

Think of it this way: what if there is an RFE issued and it sits somewhere with no response? I wouldn't risk it.

check once a day or once in two days

Hi guys

I used to check once a day or once in two days only after 5:00 PM. It gives some confidence and something to look for. As pointed earlier it is not a good idea to take resolutions and
loose time if an RFE is raised. I understand that one will never know what RFE is issued unless you see the letter but it will alert us in time to enquire BCIS if 14 days have passed. Given this case you can check online status twice a week as normally it takes anything between 4 to 2 weeks to get the letter by mail.

By trying to control your temptation to check online status you waste time, energy and more importantly mental stress.
just relax and see without worrying about anything.

My I485 - RD is Sep 27 2002 and my attorney says that he got
approval for Sep 2002 case filed from his office. He is saying that
I can expect approval anytime within next six months starting
from Feb 2004.

ENJOY ....

I was a silent visitor of this forum, but now I want to join you and say :
Hi, I am gscrus and I am addicted to the online status checking!

I used to check four times a day, and finally last Thursday I sawthe approval message. I will continue checking my card status. Indeed, it is an addiction, but I don't think it is a good idea to give up online checking now, because, for example, once my H1 approval was sent to HR at work and they didn't sent it to my lawyer by mistake, so for a month or so we didn't know that the case had been approved. So, please, don't give up, but just adopt the attitude: old message is not a rejection, old message is something to expect, and then when you see a new message, you will be as much excited as if you get a call from your attorney. Old message is not something bad, but something that is expected.

Good luck to everybody
trick worked for me

I stopped checking my case status for a day and very next day when i checked my case status, to my surprise my case got approved !!!

My situation is even worse.

I check my status every 5 minutes. It's killing me. My family life is deterioting.. professional life too. Any suggestion?

It's like quitting smoking... a serious addiction. maybe acupuncture can help?
Check in the evenings (like you check the mail). It gives you something to look forward to..
Scot Girl you said that you will never return but wait for your approval in the mail ,now again the same thing stick to ur words
How many

..of you are sticking to your promise? :D

Come on, what if you were the ones that got approval today?

One can never be sure. :eek:
My way ... works for me

OK ... I have this "process". I modified the 485scan spreadsheet to contain a few numbers in my EAC range and I dutifully run the scan on these numbers at 9:30 AM, 12:00 PM and at 5:00 PM. I fight the urge to look at it any other time, thus makes me look forward in time with optimism :)
Thats what it is optimism ,pessimistic remarks like Scot Girl's should not be entertained that is last thing what we need hope Stuka it made any sense to u
like the other guys in this thread, i was sick and tired of checking the online status once every other day, until today I saw an approval ! i actually rubbed my eyes and tried it 2 more times and later in the day too, also confirmed with AVM - it does say APPROVED!
DONT ever give up hope guys - the randomness of the INS is a good reason to have hope as well!!
I am Mar 02 RD - VSC.

This is what has happened to Our GC.

Nothing Anybody can do. Just give your support to Mr. Rajiv Khana, may be that will help.

Hang in Guys..

We've been waiting for > 2 yrs and few more months is not going to make a big difference.

Well its easier said than done,....
Was surprised to see my thread was still on the go.

To the person that said I was being pessimistic - I apologize. My original post was partly in jest. However, I have seriously cut back on checking (thanks for the acupuncture tip whoever suggested it....) :)

Really, I have been checking every so often but now I'm at like once a week. Before it was four or five times a day.

I was disheartened by Metalguy's message earlier but can absolutely understand how he feels. When I started this whole process in June 2000 my company assured me I'd get GC within 18 months. It's now nearly 4 years later and still nothing.....

Hope everyone is well (and staying sane!) :)

Still in charge of online-checkers anonymous,
Every one else is in the same boat, Scot Girl now I can see a ray of hope in you, soon u will be getting the good news too so hang in there ,and so my opinion abt u has changed u are now an optimistic person in my mind ...sorry for being blunt
addiction? visiting

what about visiting every day once? Is it an addiction?

Have a nice day!
online status check

whether it is an addiction or not, this thread certainly has a lighter feel that others. All of you have vented out and must have eased your mind a little bit.
I , for one, never worried to check the status online. However, in the last few months I have been checking more often and do get frustrated to see the same message.

Hope to learn from you all and not become an adict.

All the very best to all of you. (July filer.. and still waiting...)