Giving up checking online status


Registered Users (C)
I'm giving up. After high hopes for early approval in December after responding to RFE, now nearly two months later, I'm giving up hope. Who's with me?

I'll check online status in maybe March....;)
Thanks guys!

I'm at the stage now where checking is just disappointing...seeing the same old message. I think it might be quite nice to learn of approval through surprise e-mail from lawyer or something! We'll see how long I manage to stay away from the online status though...:p
It has become some kind of addiction for me. I have to check the online status every 3-4 hours. I tried giving up many times.
I thought about doing it -- umm - let me see -- mid last year maybe!!! Didn't work! My husband jokes that, as I am checking the online status so many times -- that must be the reason for the case delay!!

O well -- hopefully one of these days, everything will fall into place. In the meantime --- I hope Patriots wins!!! It will be s super-wonderful weekend when they do!!!;)!

Have a great weekend good people.
Guys, wish me luck in my effort to give up!

I agree with all of you though - it's addictive. I should have made it one of my new year's resolution.

It's official - I'm giving up checking TODAY.

Have a great weekend guys (and girls) :)
Hope people will stop checking the status once they are approved and NOT continue to check the status after approval out of habit or addiction or whatever one may want to call it. :D
Life sucks... excuse me. But, It is difficult to live in uncertain world. Really it is disappointing to see the same message.
Originally posted by Scotgirl
Thanks guys!

I'm at the stage now where checking is just disappointing...seeing the same old message. I think it might be quite nice to learn of approval through surprise e-mail from lawyer or something! We'll see how long I manage to stay away from the online status though...:p

There have been cases where the lawyer was informed by mail first and the on-line status was not updated by that time. So you are not really off..maybe it is the new USCIS policy. It comes from Banking where you deposit the money and is available after a week! The Director knows money.
Good decision scotgirl. It gives you some peace of mind . It's always better to get a surprise approval letter in post .
I am with u too....i have decided to give up till our fp2 is done on march 10th....we'll see how we do with our new resolution:p
Checking Status has become an Addiction for me after approval now I am checking to see when my card is going to come. When the card comes I may have to get my friend's EAC number to keep going back to that site. God how this GC process has affected all of us. Maybe we should have added compensation for mental distress in the lawsuit.
Yeay! Glad we got a good bunch together.

There should be an "online checkers anonymous" group :)
"My name is Scotgirl and I'm addicted to checking my status online".

Good weekend to everyone!
Originally posted by Scotgirl
I'm giving up. After high hopes for early approval in December after responding to RFE, now nearly two months later, I'm giving up hope. Who's with me?

I'll check online status in maybe March....;)

Am with you. Gave up looking online TODAY.

Trying to change the way I live (have been living miserably with immigration thoughts all the time).
Ever thought about...

Setting up a perl script in a cronjob/scheduled task to check everyday and page you when approved ?
I'm afraid I'm not an IT person AT ALL (still can't get my iPod to work with my computer!).

I'm sure it's a good idea though. Thanks!

Today is my first "no checking" day. Wish me luck! :)
Same here.

It is early morning on Sunday. I even got up and check my status. How despearate I am! Let me make up my mind only check status once a day.
gave up just last week

I had same feeling and so stopped checking online status. Lately, I started feeling like crying whenever saw the same old message. My husband also advised me to just avoid it.

Here, i am...have not checked since last monday (01/26).

Wish you all - the best.