GHEEWALA gets approved!!

Hey Buddy;
I wish you all me best. It is good to see that some "other" nationalities can also get approved
Take care of yourself and your family.
Visit this group every now and then, please
Great News ...ghee

I kind of lost interest in this due to delays...but today seeing your approval really gave me a sigh of relief...and really wonder where all old stalwarts have disappeared...pork,sankrit...though few have resurfaced after seeing your thread..orac..etc..

Anyway Congrats buddy...and now you must have realised that these greetings are from our heart not just a formality!!!!!!!

Have fun...and do please keeep on advising ppor souls like us....
Congrats - U deserve it

We will all miss you GHEEWALA. Congrats from the bottom of my heart. Please keep visiting and if possible contributing to this forum. Enjoy freedom.
good friend ghee!

AWWRIIIIIGHT!! many many hearty congratulations! i visited this forum after weeks and weeks, and came upon this great piece of news!

yours certainly has been a rollercoaster of a ride, and this is well-deserved! i usually say this each time when somebody gets approved, and i'll say it again: enjoy your freedom!

it is just so much more special when a friend gets approved!

congrats again, buddy!

Congratulations Ghee!!

This forum has always used your help and advise. Hopefully, you'll still keep in touch and provide some hope for the others...

Congrats Ghee,

Unbelievable and at the same time great too !!!

Wish u the best and hope our others buddies who have been waiting for long get approved too. Its true that we feel so much attached to this group, even after getting approved, believe me, u would still visit this forum everyday, as u would do before getting approved. This forum is absolutely great.

Enjoy your freedom.


Hi Gheewalabhai!!!

Heartiest Congratulations! It has been a pleasure knowing you back from early 2002 when we started the Jan/Feb/Mar 2002 Optimistics thread!!

I guess it tokk a little more time than we thought, but patience finally pays off!

Congratulations again!

Also, my case has just been approved. I checked it last night.

RD 1/8/02
FP1 6/02
FP2 4/03
RFE 8/03
RFE received by INS 9/03
AD 2/11/04

Have fun and all the best in your life!

All the best to you, gheewalabhai888

Wow...congrats on your approval. I feel as though I am the one, who got approved! I have seen you on this board so many times that I feel as though I know you from a long, long time ago. Anyway, congratulations and enjoy your well deserved GC!

Please accept my thanks

for all your kind words. I sincerely wish very best of luck to all my friends who are waiting for approvals.
It seems old Laagan Cricket team has descended on to Congratulate Ghee on the victory of Good over the Evil?? Just kidding…
passports stamped

Basically a simple process. Just needed to take what was mentioned on the notice and they wouldn't even care other things.
Ghee. Am still there rooting for u

Hey Ghee,

Congrats buddy. I normally visit this forum as a silent visitor post GC. Seeing your news, I feel extremely happy for u. I can never forget the torrid days of 2001 when both of us used to keep our spirits up during labor (MN and Chicago) , I140 and finally I485. We both went through layoffs and of course were the avid researchers of AC21 :)

Thinking back, I used to get the feeling as to whether all this was worth the wait and torture. Even today, as I look at my physical green card, those torrid days come to my mind. I feel like a holocast victim. But after seeing your post, I feel this GC process has won me great friends, more than anything else. We may have not seen each other, but this traumatic phase has brought us all together. As you know and as always, I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

Dilip (GCAR)