Getting fingerprint done before the appointment date.


Registered Users (C)
I got my fingerprint appointment today for 8/24. I have seen people on the board say they went before there appointment date and was able to get it done. I would like to hear from people that had success doing this, what did you say to the person at the door?

Also has anyone try this and was told to come back on the appointment date.
Me and my wife walked in.
Asked the person in front, we have an appointment for xx date, can we get it done today?
He allowed.
You can do that but that do not accelerate the process at all, files are scheduled for FP appointment and the interview in the order a petition is placed, a walk in FP will not prompt a Interview before the other's inline.
Thank you for the information. I went to the Support Center today and was able to get it done. Namecheckvictim I am not doing this to try and accelerate the process, I on vacation this week so I wanted to try and get it done therefore I would not have to take a vacation day.
Hi Shazer,
Give it a try, some Fingerprinting support centers
might let you do that, while I have seen some that might flatly refuse to process you before the scheduled date!
I would say give it a shot, and see if it works for you.
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You can do that but that do not accelerate the process at all, files are scheduled for FP appointment and the interview in the order a petition is placed, a walk in FP will not prompt a Interview before the other's inline.

I believe doing the finger print before the appointed date can accelerate the process. My appointment was set for 8/24, I got my fingerprints done on 8/16. Today I got and email that I have been scheduled for interview and I will get a letter in the mail with the date.