gee,, only 1 approval last 2 days???

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Well, only one that we know of. I suspect only a tiny fraction of people with pending/approved cases ever visit this (or other related) sites.
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First of all you don\'t know the difference between \'write\' and \'right\'

>>>He\'s write. Most of the applicants can\'t read or write english so
they won\'t be here.
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  i beg to differ! though a lot of people out to get GCs cannot read or "write" english well, they are very particular about getting their GC ahead of everyone else! so, they make an effort to post info AND ask questions in ENGLISH (however bad their ENGLISH might be) so that they are not left behind in their quest for GC!!!!
thought for the day: more people around the world know how to read and write in English AND other languages as well, than you might have thought!!!
PS: i am not canadian or european!
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hihi,, calm down guys and gals, what are we here for??? i just want to see that CSC is moving with 485s.... please,,, we are all in the same boat. who cares about the damn english?
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Come on, Kevin, please don\'t spit out this kind of frustrated words.
It helps nothing.

According to Ciba\'s list, your PD is very new (03/00).
Do you know how many people with PD:96 or ND:99 are still waiting?
Do you know how the 485 waiters of other service centers envy us (under CSC)?

The GC process is a painful odyssey for everyone.
We need positive attitude to help one another.
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by the way, my pd is 3/99 intead of 3/00. sounds like you appreciate what uncle sam offers you more than anyone else on this site. lol, do you think we should be thanful to CSC? even they did a better job than other processing centers, does it justify the fact that it took them 14 months to process my 140?? come on, I am entitled to feel frustrated and speak out my feelings. anything wrong with it?
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you sound more damn frustrated then me. what choice i make is none of your business. what the F**K do you think you are? i don\'t like to fight with anyone here. but you are such a jerk.
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Kevin\'s right. You guys have got to lighten up. Don\'t think the insults are going to go away once you get your GC, even if you speak perfect English! this is America & you better get used to it, not that I agree with it!
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Hey Super Star,
When you take a pen or pencil in your hand you write with it! Right?
This is you first English lesson for free, next time I\'ll charge you.
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Guys..... Don\'t get personal. Attacks and counter attacks can go on a never-ending basis. Lets limit to venting emotions with the INS... not that it makes any difference.
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when all have waited so long to get their freedom, then why let the mouth get the better of oneself. In these
times remember GANDHI ( do not know whether anyone likes him or not) , but PATIENCE was his virtue
and he said "Even when the britishers leave , let\'s depart as friends", so let\'s all make friends , life is too
short to indulge in these things . Everyone will get their GC sooner or later , but what will remain behind is
kind words and motivation you leave behind on these Forums.
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al\'s right! It\'s just that we get bored waiting for something to happen here & we feel like stiring up S_it! There is nothing personal aimed at any race or person. PS Gandi was shot to death!
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ALCAPONE, great words of wisdom :) - but I do think you should change your name - because he was only talking vengenance :)