GC - New Hampshire


Registered Users (C)
I recently joined a company based in New Hampshire, since they promised to do my GC from there. But my work location is in Texas. Now that i have started getting documents ready, the company says that they got few queries couple of days ago checking if the consultant physically was working in New Hamsphire. Can someone help me out with the solution please. Is it only possible to do from Texas?

Hi all,

I have read all your messages above. so what happened after that, so one need to be physically working in NH to file the labor, if the company has real or virtual office. I am curious because, I am in CA and planning to apply labor in NH.

please reply friends with your approach what are you going todo?
and also now the NH sesa processing dats moved back to OCT/Nov' 2003.

thanks in advance
NH Labor Cretification

Any of guys figured out whats this issue with being working in NH. As of my understanding GC is for future job. The compnay needs to be present in the state from where the Labor is applied. The Candidate need not be phisically present there at the time of applying. Actaully the candidate need not be working for the company during the Labor Certification stage.

Also again anybody knows how to make a New Hampshire SESA thread sticky. There seems to be too many NH related threads floating around started by different people including one by me. This site seems to have a new look now. But I still dont see how to make the thread sticky (until yesterday it was called important). I like the new look though.

We need to consolidate all this in one thread. This will help us all who are waiting in the NH SESA queue. Especially a an issue like the one being discussed here need to be noticed by all applying via NH SESA.

Labor issues in I-485?

Hey Guys,

This thread seemed very similar to my question. Thought it would be of interest to all of you and also will give me useful information.

I have read in usvisa Web Site that if the Labor Certification was not done with the Companies Headquarters in mind, then it could bring about problems in the I485 stage.

I have the following Questions:-

1) Would it be a problem if your company had a “Regional Headquarters” in the location from where the Labor Certification was filed in case the beneficiary is working in a different part of the country? Does the company need to have it’s Headquarters in the location of Labor Approval?

2) In which section of the Labor Application is it mentioned that a person can work anywhere in the USA. (I am asking my employer details about the Labor Application and he is only giving me a copy of “PART B” of the application). Are there other sections of the Labor Certification Application?

3) Is there anything as a NATIONAL Level Labor? How can one apply for it? Is this what needs to be applied for people who are in consulting and whose job location keeps changing.

I am sure that these issues would be of great importance to a lot of guys getting their GC done through DESI Employers now a days. I find that everybody I discuss this issue with is able to relate to it. It would be of great help if someone could explain this in good detail.

This forum is great for newbies like me in understanding immigration matters. Thanks