GC interview questions? share ur expereince!?


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I am being called for interview in next 2 months with an immigration officer here in my city for my GC application.
I know some get their GC mailed and some are called for interview first.

I think I am called for interview because I said yes in the Q&A answer section about any arrest records I have in the I-485 application form.

In the letter i received for my interview, it asks to bring lots of things like tax returns, medical examination results and also about any arrest records or any criminal records.

DO asylee really have to bring tax return forms for GC interview?
they ask to bring passport or visas but mine was taken by asylum officer.

I have 2 arrest records in different times. arrest for harassment and other arrest for solicitation of prostitution, I do have arrest records but no convictions or no guilty. both case were dismissed in initial court appreance and served no time, no probation, no community service, fines or anything.

do i still have to worry about just the 2 arrest records even though I have no conviction records?

How was ur's?
Please share your expereince about interview with IO regarding your asylum GC Interview.
DO asylee really have to bring tax return forms for GC interview?
Yes yes yes... if they asked you to bring it then you don't question it.

they ask to bring passport or visas but mine was taken by asylum officer.
you can explain that in interview... no worry :)

arrest for harassment and other arrest for solicitation of prostitution.
Cool :cool:

both case were dismissed in initial court appreance and served no time, no probation, no community service, fines or anything.
why? no evidenvces? or declared innocent?

do i still have to worry about just the 2 arrest records even though I have no conviction records?
I won't worry if I were in your place

How was ur's?
Please share your expereince about interview with IO regarding your asylum GC Interview.

Not yet... too early for me :D
it asks to bring lots of things like tax returns,

does anyone know the form that an asylee should submit to the IRS "form number"... just for precaution... in case we were asked the same thing jonny1 was asked to bring for GC interview :D
from, I can confidently say my english is better than ur's, I mistype and sometimes misread on my posts here, my english? haha, I did my own english interpertation during my immigration court hearing. I said NO and so did my lawyers for english translator for my hearing. I wrote my asylum story by myself and I helped others too.
When I write something here, I don't focus much on spellings or like that but much more on substansive meanings and facts. So understand what I mean, what the facts are not my mistypes.
some of you hardly understand asylum law or got no expereicne on such thing and yet always answering something to make it look like you know these things.
so please know the facts, read the facts, don't just assume you are right just cos you think so.
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Don't be angry jonny1 :)
frombasra was only kidding :)

When I write something here, I don't focus much on spellings or like that
Expect them to test your English comprehension abilities which you need to work on. :D:D:D:D

frombasra never said anything about misspellings "comprehension is not misspelling"... he was referring for not understanding "misreading" Thankful post in my Thread here

specially when you said
it's un belieavle how few of u guys like THANKFUL are spreading very inaccurate infos and advices here!

while all thankful did was to support your answer

please, don't overestimate things here... we are all friends and trying to help each other... "help is the aim" jonny1, not fights
from, I can confidently say my english is better than ur's, I mistype and sometimes misread on my posts here, my english? haha, I did my own english interpertation during my immigration court hearing. I said NO and so did my lawyers for english translator for my hearing. I wrote my asylum story by myself and I helped others too.
When I write something here, I don't focus much on spellings or like that but much more on substansive meanings and facts. So understand what I mean, what the facts are not my mistypes.
some of you hardly understand asylum law or got no expereicne on such thing and yet always answering something to make it look like you know these things.
so please know the facts, read the facts, don't just assume you are right just cos you think so.

You completely misread a post made by Thankful. So you failed to understand "substansive meanings and facts." Learn to read correctly by going to night school.
My guess is that your arrest record triggers this interview request. Be prepared to answer questions about the arrests.
comcast, i agree and think the same. when you check yes on Q&A section on GC form, they will want you question you before they approve you for a gC.

I have spoken with both immigration lawyer and criminal lawyer who say that i don't have to worry much about the arrests or charges cos I am not convicted of the charges.
I am bit worried about the 2 arrest records, one is a harassment by phone which was false charge cos all i did was call the person who hit my car to get her insurance info.
second one was, arrest for solicitation of prostitution which was an undercover cops sting operation on craigslist. I was arrested and charged on both counts but when I showed up at court for initial court appearance, JUdge dismissed it saying don't call again. on second one, I hired a defense lawyer cos that's a bit more serious charge even though it's still a misdemineor, the undercover female cop didn't even show up at the initial court date and thus, my case got dismissed. so on both charges and arrests, i paid no price like jail, fines, defered programs like class or community service.
I'd be worrying very much if I was convicted of the solicitation of prostituiton charges.

I am just curious about what other GC applicant asylees have expereinced when they have non conviction criminal records and were interviewed by IO for their GC.
Also were you asked to show your tax return documents during the interview?

Hi John1,

Based on my experience during asylumed-GC interview :
- You do need to worry, just follow the requirements that printed on the offical paper.( do not forget to bring your new Pic, incase)
- Do not forget to bring your copy of tax-return,
- Bring all the needed documents that you are aware of.
- Do not lie any on your records ( They have all of you records).
- the most important thing is smile warmly to please your interviewer :D.

I was so nervous, but the IO/Interviewer was very friendly ( helped me a lot.).
here are my lists:
1) IO/Interviewer greet you, such as, Good mornng Sir/Mam. just reply back with warm greeting.
2) The Interview check you paperworks.
3) You will be asked to raise any question.. ( nice hah, I said no question).
4) the Interviewer start the conversation about daily routines, where are you from and so on, just try to be relax
5) The interviewer flip back and forward your application, and start to give you questions.
6) some questions are: checking tax-return: such as, where did you work at 200x...., did you bring you tax-return?, oh you got this amount of money fot tax-return 200X, what is you address, did you travel to outside of the US... some proves... and so on, everything is based on your records.

the one that I understood:
They need to check you records and make sure all the records are match with you answers.

that's all

good luck!!