GC interview FOR Parents of US Citizen QUESTION!


New Member
I am a US Citizen and I filed for both my parents AOS (I130 and I485)on 4/17/03
PD 4/27/03
FP Date 6/12/03
Interview date 10/29/2003 Baltimore MD, Fallon Federal Building.

My question, Will they get their GC approved the same day or should they wait longer. Also anyone knows what they ask during the interview. We have all the Documents in perfect order.

If interiview goes smoothly, they will be approved and stamped (I551) on the same day (As per my knowledge). They might get their GC later on. But, the important part is how well the interview goes. Did your parents come here on visitor visa?
I also file for my parents this year. Their FP and medical are done. Their interview is on Feb'20 2004. Please post their interview experience when it is over.


From the processing time report of all service center, the fastest one is Califorlia. But even then, it is still processing I130 from Feb.4,2003. How did your case get approved so fast?

I am an american citizen and filed for my parents on Jan. 21, 2003 with Nebraska service center. My parents are in China so I could only file I130 alone. I don't know when is the waiting going to end!!!

sriram filled I-130/I485 together a the local service center. That has nothing to do with the regional centers. Plus Baltimore is really fast these days...

You don't have a choice

If your parents are in the states, you can file i130/i485 together with your local office. If they are outside of the states, you have to file it at your regional service center. I filed for my mother I130/I485 (since she is here now) on 7/25/03 to my local office, FP was done 9/30/03. They said interview will be another 3 months.
Just received interview notice for my MOM!

Received interview notice for my mom's application. It is scheduled on 11/19/03. It is pretty fast! I filed for her on 7/25/03 and FP was on 9/30/03.
Please help

I am expecting my US citizenship in March 2004. Can you tell me:

1) What forms do I need to file a green card application for my mom who is residing in Calcutta, India?

2) Where do I file the forms?

3) How long is it taking to process? (i.e from the time I file the application until she gets her green card)

She plans to immigrate to the US once she gets her green card. I am currently in Arlington, VA.

Thank you.
I live in MD. I applied for my parents GC on Oct.27, 2003 to Vermont center. They transfered my parents case to Baltimore INS. I got the tranfer notice for my Mom's I485 and I-130. I also got my Dad's I485 TN but not I-130 TN. I checked my Dad's I-130 status, it is still in Vermont. I called Vermont, the lady said I should file this case to local INS office. But I went to local Baltimore office before I filed my parents application. The local office said I should file to Vermont then Vermont will transfer the case.

Since you guys also live in MD, what is the detail of your case?

filing 130/485 for parents in california

I am expecting my citizenship soon and plan to file for my mother soon after that. What forms does one need ? Is it better to have it done through a lawyer ?

Based on other posts it seems that interview may take anywhere from 6-9 months from date of filing of 130/485. What kind of questions are asked in the interview ? If the person does not know English then how is it handled ?

Thanks in advance.
For those of you whose parents have gone through the interview, PLEASE... PLEASE post your comments as to how did you answer "change of intent" question?Is it still an issue or not?

My parents have interview in the mid Feb. in MD. I heard the interview is very tuff. The officer will ask all kinds of questions and even deny the application. I am thinking whether I need to have an attorney to go with us. Any one had the interview experience please post some information. Thanks a lot.

My parents went to interview today. They hasn't been asked much questions. But the INS is still waiting for the security clearance. So they didn't get passport stamp today. Hope that helps. Good Luck!
Re: Just received interview notice for my MOM!

Originally posted by ashleyt
Received interview notice for my mom's application. It is scheduled on 11/19/03. It is pretty fast! I filed for her on 7/25/03 and FP was on 9/30/03.


Right before 11/19/03, the date that my mom was scheduled for interview, we received a letter said the interviewed was cancelled and will be rescheduled. No reason was given. A week later, we received another appointment letter to have an interview on 12/15/03. The interview letter said we need to bring a translator if my mom can't spend english. I am the sponsor so I need to be there as well. I asked a friend of mine as my mom's translator, but the officer said I can translate for my mom even if the interview letter said I can't be the translator. Anyway, the interview last about 30 min. The officer took my mom's fingerprint one more time in a form that is prepared for printing green card. The office went through the i-485 question by question. My mom has been here for almost 3 years and only has one extention. That means for more than a year, she did not have valid status. The officer just asked my mom how many times she extented her visa. We told him once and he did not even ask more about it. I was told that a lot of citizen's parents do that so INS has seen enough. The officer asked mom the same questions that was asked on i-485 (the questions on the last two or thress pages). I translated the questions and he wanted my mom to answer him by 'Yes' or'No'. My mom was nervous and she told him the wrong age. The officer was really nice to correct her. At the end of the interview, the officer said his co-work was sick and he was really busy. He said that my mom's appliction needs security clearance and he will finish his part to get my mom in line for security clearance. He also said it will take 3 or more months for security clearance. He told us we can get nothing done but wait.

We waited and my mom received a notice yesterday said her green card is approved and she can get a green card stamp.

notice day 7/25/03
fp: 9/30/03
interview: 12/15/03
approved: 2/26/04

It took about 6 months for the whole process. We are extremely happy.

I live in St. Louis, MO and I sent my mom's application directly to INS local St. Louis office.

Good luck everyone!
Originally posted by chenya

From the processing time report of all service center, the fastest one is Califorlia. But even then, it is still processing I130 from Feb.4,2003. How did your case get approved so fast?

I am an american citizen and filed for my parents on Jan. 21, 2003 with Nebraska service center. My parents are in China so I could only file I130 alone. I don't know when is the waiting going to end!!!


Hi, Chenya,

I have been searching for people who are sponsoring their parents while the parents are not in the US. I'm very glad that I found you, because my parents are also in China!

I have not started the process, because I don't know if it will be quicker if my parents came here on B2 first.

So, my question to you is, it's been over a year since 1/21/03, when you submitted your I130, where is the process at?

Thanks in advance for your reply.
The process will not be shorter than 2 years if going by the rate the Nebraska center has been going.

It has always been more prefered if you can get your parents here on B2 first, then do I485 to change their status. This way they can stay in US and wait.

But since there are lot of changes in how INS does things, I don't know how many month of B2 visa your parents might get, and if it is quite short I don't know if INS like the idea of you applying for immigration for them in such short time frame. They could suspect you of coming on non-immigration visa such as B2 but has different intention.

Hope that help.

Thanks for your reply. It does seem quicker if the parents are already in US. Based on the timelines of darktrop, febru1 and ashleyt, it takes less than six months to get the interview.

The question is, to avoid "immigration fraud", how long have the parents been in the US before the I130/I485 were submitted?

Of course, this also depends on how long the B2 visa is issued for.

Thanks Ashleyt. Your post is very helpful. My parents are waiting for the security clearance too. Since I live in D.C., I submit the request to FBI Record/Information Dissemination Section about my parents case. The answer is they haven't received a request from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services to conduct a security check on either of my parents. Don't know what INS is doing.
I applied my parents GC after two monthes after they has been here. We applied our parents in-law's GC in 2002 on the first month when they came. I don't think it matters.