GC interview for mom in chennai


New Member
My mother is appearing for the GC interview in Chennai on Feb 23rd. She is 76 yrs old. Is this pretty straight forward, or is there a possibility of rejection? I am trying to book her tickets for Feb 28th. But not sure if I should wait until the interview is done.

Thanks, sashi.
sdalvie said:
My mother is appearing for the GC interview in Chennai on Feb 23rd. She is 76 yrs old. Is this pretty straight forward, or is there a possibility of rejection? I am trying to book her tickets for Feb 28th. But not sure if I should wait until the interview is done.

Thanks, sashi.

Quite a while ago, I remember reading a Parent's case that was interviewed in Chennai. They said, all was asked during the interview were the originals of the documents to compare against the copies that were filed and the Passport was stamped the same day. So, your Mom should be fine. But I was wondering why then would they collect the Courier fee from the applicants, if the PP is stamped on the same day? Since she is 76, is some one going to accompany her to the interview?

If I were you, I would just block her tickets for a date after her interview (that is, if the airlines permits you to do that) and then purchase it once she gets the visa stamp on her passport.

Sashi - I'm just starting to apply for my Dad thro CP in Chennai. I'm clueless about CP for a Parent. Would you be able to post your Mother's timeline? How long did it take from filing I-130 to interview? And how long was it between each step of the process? Particularly at what part of the process are they required to get Medical clearance and Police clearance? I'm particularly interested in knowing this as it is the same Consulate. Any help from you will be very much appreciated.
Timeline for I-130 to Interview

Thanks for the reply. I will try to block the tickets as you said. Though my mom is 76, they said no one can accompany her. They said they would have folks to help her inside.

Jenimmi, Roughly the process took about a year.

The whole process is quite simple. Just follow the directions as they keep sending you the forms. Do not send forms before they ask you to. Be very careful in sending all the required documents, or there will be a delay, since NVC takes about 4 weeks every time you send the forms in. So if there is a mistake and you re-send it, it will delay you by 6 to 8 weeks. Medical clearance, and police certificate need to be taken only for the interview. Medical clearance can be done only after they send you the interview appointment letter. Please try and get your father's birth certificate ready, since that is where I had a lot of problems.

Filed I-130 in Jan 2005. Got approval 4 weeks later. Need to submit ur Birth certificate to show proof of relationship to your dad.
April 2005- received the first packet from NVC (Designation of agent).
June 2005 - received the DC-230(Biographic data form, Part 1, and Affidavit of support forms, along with request for fees)
December 2005 - Packet received by Chennai consulate. (It could have been sooner, but I delayed in sending the forms back, and I forgot to attach W2s with the affidavit of support). This process could have been over in Sep/Oct
Jan 2006 - Received intimation from Chennai consulate about Feb 23rd interview.
sdalvie said:
Thanks for the reply. I will try to block the tickets as you said. Though my mom is 76, they said no one can accompany her. They said they would have folks to help her inside.

Jenimmi, Roughly the process took about a year.

The whole process is quite simple. Just follow the directions as they keep sending you the forms. Do not send forms before they ask you to. Be very careful in sending all the required documents, or there will be a delay, since NVC takes about 4 weeks every time you send the forms in. So if there is a mistake and you re-send it, it will delay you by 6 to 8 weeks. Medical clearance, and police certificate need to be taken only for the interview. Medical clearance can be done only after they send you the interview appointment letter. Please try and get your father's birth certificate ready, since that is where I had a lot of problems.

Filed I-130 in Jan 2005. Got approval 4 weeks later. Need to submit ur Birth certificate to show proof of relationship to your dad.
April 2005- received the first packet from NVC (Designation of agent).
June 2005 - received the DC-230(Biographic data form, Part 1, and Affidavit of support forms, along with request for fees)
December 2005 - Packet received by Chennai consulate. (It could have been sooner, but I delayed in sending the forms back, and I forgot to attach W2s with the affidavit of support). This process could have been over in Sep/Oct
Jan 2006 - Received intimation from Chennai consulate about Feb 23rd interview.

Sashi -

I am very grateful for the detailed info on timeline and other info you have shared. This is the info I was looking for a long time - CP timeline in Chennai for a Parent. I have some questions:

1) I believe you are the agent for your Mom. Did she have to sign any form saying that you are the agent? So, all the forms from NVC gets sent to your address.

2) How often during the process, did you have to send forms back and forth to your Mom for her signature?

3) How did you know that in Dec '05 the packet was received by Chennai Consulate from NVC? Were you either notified by NVC or Ch. Consul. about this?

4) Was your Mother notified of the Medical / Police Clearance by the Consulate? Did they also tell her where to get the Medical done? Were there a lot of immunizations and tests? (The medical that my Mom got done in US for I-485 process was fairly simple).

5) I know you said Medical is only after they get the interview letter. But how about Police clearance? Should my Dad wait until he is notified to get the Police Clearance? Can he do it sooner? I'm afraid this might take unnecessarily long b'cos of the bureaucracy with the Police and the bribery involved.

6) I see that you had a problem with your Mother's Birth certificate. For both my parents none of this was registered, or if registered they were wrong. So, I'm in the same boat. Could you please elaborate what was the problem you had with BC and how you went about resolving it?

I didn't intend to ask so many questions. I'm sorry. But please help. It is very much appreciated. Thanks.

Sashi -
I've sent you a Private Message. You can see the link for PM on the top right, above the log out link.

Good luck to your Mom on her interview. Please do post her interview experience. I will be very much looking forward to your post on this.

P.S: Do you think they take the Courier fee from the applicants in Chennai, to mail the Passport on a later date with the Immigration Visa stamp? Any idea?
jenimmi said:
Sashi -

I am very grateful for the detailed info on timeline and other info you have shared. This is the info I was looking for a long time - CP timeline in Chennai for a Parent. I have some questions:

1) I believe you are the agent for your Mom. Did she have to sign any form saying that you are the agent? So, all the forms from NVC gets sent to your address.

ANS: Yes. I was the agent. The agent form was sent to her and me. She had to sign it.

2) How often during the process, did you have to send forms back and forth to your Mom for her signature?
ANS: Twice. One for the Agent form. One for the DS-230 part 1 form which is the final form to the NVC.

3) How did you know that in Dec '05 the packet was received by Chennai Consulate from NVC? Were you either notified by NVC or Ch. Consul. about this?

ANS: NVC notifed me that the papers were sent via DHL to Chennai. Call to the 800 number said that my case was closed.

4) Was your Mother notified of the Medical / Police Clearance by the Consulate? Did they also tell her where to get the Medical done? Were there a lot of immunizations and tests? (The medical that my Mom got done in US for I-485 process was fairly simple).
ANS: The interview appointment letter has all that information

5) I know you said Medical is only after they get the interview letter. But how about Police clearance? Should my Dad wait until he is notified to get the Police Clearance? Can he do it sooner? I'm afraid this might take unnecessarily long b'cos of the bureaucracy with the Police and the bribery involved.
ANS: Police clearance could be done any time before I think. I applied for police clearance early jan. What is supposed to take one day is taking them 2 or 3 weeks. Hopefully I should get it before the interview date. It may be good to start on the police clearance once you send the I-864. It may be invalid if you do it too early. Just guessing..

6) I see that you had a problem with your Mother's Birth certificate. For both my parents none of this was registered, or if registered they were wrong. So, I'm in the same boat. Could you please elaborate what was the problem you had with BC and how you went about resolving it?

ANS: My mother was born in Tiptur Karnataka. She has lived in Salem, Tamilnadu for the past 50 years. So we had to get hold of someone in Tiptur and get teh Thasildar to either give a BC, or a denial. We got the Denial, and now we are trying to get the affidavits. It took me 2 months to get the Denial letter. The problem is that there are not that many people older than my mom (76) who can vouch for her birthdate and place. But we think we have found a couple of people from who we can get the affidavit.

I didn't intend to ask so many questions. I'm sorry. But please help. It is very much appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks a lot Sashi, for responding and explaining the process.

A few more Qs.

When you sent W2s with the DS-230, were those photocopies of W2s? Did you have to notarize any proof document you sent with the affidavit of support?

So in the whole process, two sets were sent to you/Mother from NVC - Agent form and DS-230 I package. After you responded to those two, then the next packet was sent to your Mom directly from Chennai Consulate?

So far, has your Mom been fingerprinted at all? Or is she told that she would be fingerprinted during the interview? I'm asking this b'cos usually only after the FP, name check is done. I was under the impression that USCIS wont approve anyone for a Immig visa until FP is done.

I am also facing the same problem with my Dad's Birth affidavit. There are hardly a few in his family circle who's older than him. That too, the person giving the affidavit is expected to be at least 10 years older than the beneficiary. So, you can imagine how hard it will be to find such people. The other thing is, when he finally found some one, they said they can only sign in the local language, they don't know English. I don't even know if that is acceptable by USCIS. My Dad's looking and looking to find that older person who can sign in English. But like you said, he only needs it at the time of interview - hopefully he'll be able to.

Thank you!
Jenimmi - Help

Hello Jenimmi,
We recently filed our parents I130 for CP. Question 22 reads "complete the information below if you relative is in the US and will apply for adjustment of status". We entered N/A for both subquestions. Retrospectively, I am worried if we should have entered "Chennai, India" for the second subquestion.
Any thoughts?
Mamoo said:
Hello Jenimmi,
We recently filed our parents I130 for CP. Question 22 reads "complete the information below if you relative is in the US and will apply for adjustment of status". We entered N/A for both subquestions. Retrospectively, I am worried if we should have entered "Chennai, India" for the second subquestion.
Any thoughts?

Yes... in the second part of the Q.22. you should have entered the Consular Office City and country if the process is going to be CP - if Chennai, then "Chennai, India" . I know, it's sort of easy to miss these things.

You might get something like a RFE on this. I don't know if from Q.19, USCIS would guess where you would want the visa processing to be done. Try calling the 800 -Information line and see if they have any suggestions. In the worst scenario, they may ask you to re-file, although I'm just guessing all this.
Hello Jenimmi,
Thanks for your prompt reply. Since the main question in bold was pertaining to "applicants IN US" I guess it was deceptive. Anyway, let us see what the 1800 # have to say. Is there any specific 1800 #?
Thanks again.
Are these the steps?

Thanks for all the info so far.

So, am I correct in concluding that the only steps required for parents Consular processing of Greencard are:

1) File I-130 and pay $190 per applicant alongwith photocopy of my US passport and their birth cert and marriage cert.
2) Wait to receive the first packet from NVC (Designation of agent).
3) Wait to receive the DC-230 (Biographic data form and Affidavit of support forms)
4) Wait to received letter from consulate in India for interview.
5) Get police clearance and medical exams conducted
6) Ask parents to go for interview
7) Wait for GC to be mailed out to parents

Are there other steps? Am I missing something? And also kindly comment on whether the GC will be mailed to parents or do they need to enter the US in order to collect the GC.

Thanks for everybody's help,