GC in two months in San Antonio


Registered Users (C)
Today I had my interview and my GC was approved. First of all I would like to thanks everybody in this forum for all the help and tips that made possible this. The interview was smooth and really fast less than 20 minutes. The officer asked us some questions such as how we met, where we lived a little of our work. He only asked for our driver’s licenses and a proof of living together, I gave him a copy of joint bank account. Ask if we have something else as insurance policy, but we didn’t. Then he took my I-94 and stamped my passport , he told me I will receive the card by mail in 2 to 3 weeks, that was all, no photos, tax returns or paystubs, nothing he didn’t even make us swear. Just a very informal interview. I hope the best to all and for those that have their interview soon don’t worry too much.

10/07/05 forms sent to Chicago PO
10/10/05 RD
10/17/05 ND
11/03/05 Received FP appointment for 12/02/05
11/09/05 FP done by walk in
11/10/05 Receive appointment for interview
12/21/05 Interview and 551 approved
Hi Lagger,
Congrats.Thanks for posting your rexperience.I am having mine on Jan27th in Sanantonio.So yougot your passport stamped with I-551?.Can you tell me which officer # you got.
Thank you