GC if you are in US for 5 years, coming soon.

This sounds too good to be true. Am I day dreaming?

I am considering including a reference to this bill in the Project Cosmos text.

AC21A, Thanks for posting this message.

Thanks AC21A for posting this. AILA urges for support, i think this would be a good campaign to start and request members of the forum and outside to render their support.

Cosmos, instead of including it in Project Cosmos, can we start a new campaign thread for this?

I couldn't see in the statement where it has specified "green card" or "permanent residence" will be given after 5 years .

Could you please copy and paste the appropriate paragraph.

i think its for election .....once election is over it will die down...sounds too good to be true...... i know UK gives PR in 4 yrs.....
Here ya go!

Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), Representatives Robert Menendez (D-NJ) and Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) and others on May 4 introduced a comprehensive immigration reform bill, the SOLVE Act of 2004 (Safe, Orderly Legal Visas and Enforcement Act of 2004). The SOLVE Act (S. 2381/H.R. 4262), which AILA strongly supports, includes the measures necessary for reform: earned adjustment for eligible people already living and working in the U.S; family reunification through reduction; and a new temporary worker program.

Earned Adjustment: The bill includes an earned adjustment for immigrants who have been in the U.S. for five or more years on the date of enactment and can demonstrate 24 months in the aggregate of employment (including self-employment) in the U.S. and payment of taxes. The principal applicant's spouse and unmarried children under 21 also would be eligible. Applicants would undergo criminal background checks and a medical examination, register with the Selective Services, and demonstrate an understanding of English and civics or be pursuing a course of study to achieve such understanding. Applicants would be able to travel and work with authorization while their application is pending. The bill also provides for administrative and judicial review for application denials. Applicants residing in the U.S. less than five years also would be eligible, after a background check, for transitional status of three years, during which they would be able to work with authorization and travel abroad. After 24 months of work in the aggregate, they would be eligible to adjust their status.

And here is the rider:

The SOLVE Act, S. 2381 and H.R. 4262, faces strong resistance from restrictionist Members of Congress and anti-immigrant groups. Act now to show your support for this important legislation by contacting your elected officials and urging them to support these important bills. To learn how to contact your elected officials, see the instructions on the first page of IAA that includes directions about how to send a pre-written model letter on this issue. (You also may write your own letter).

This will never fly! Besides how many current immigrants would like an open ended law like this to be valid AFTER they get their approvals? :)
Earned Adjustment: The bill includes an earned adjustment for immigrants who have been in the U.S. for five or more years on the date of enactment and can demonstrate 24 months in the aggregate of employment (including self-employment) in the U.S. and payment of taxes. The principal applicant's spouse and unmarried children under 21 also would be eligible. Applicants would undergo criminal background checks and a medical examination, register with the Selective Services, and demonstrate an understanding of English and civics or be pursuing a course of study to achieve such understanding. Applicants would be able to travel and work with authorization while their application is pending. The bill also provides for administrative and judicial review for application denials. Applicants residing in the U.S. less than five years also would be eligible, after a background check, for transitional status of three years, during which they would be able to work with authorization and travel abroad. After 24 months of work in the aggregate, they would be eligible to adjust their status.

Family Backlog Reductions: The bill deals with the need to reduce the backlog in family-based immigration by, among other provisions: exempting immediate relatives from counting towards the 480,000 ceiling on family-based immigrant visas and including immediate relatives of permanent residents; allocating a visa outside of the per-country caps to immigrants waiting more than five years; recapturing unused family-based visas in any given year and applying those visas to future years without per-country limitations; reducing the income test for the affidavit of support from 125% to 100% of the poverty level; and repealing the bars to re-entry

I take it that Earned Adjustment means AOS. Right?
140_takes_4ever said:
The SOLVE Act, S. 2381 and H.R. 4262, faces strong resistance from restrictionist Members of Congress and anti-immigrant groups. Act now to show your support for this important legislation by contacting your elected officials and urging them to support these important bills. To learn how to contact your elected officials, see the instructions on the first page of IAA that includes directions about how to send a pre-written model letter on this issue. (You also may write your own letter).

This will never fly! Besides how many current immigrants would like an open ended law like this to be valid AFTER they get their approvals? :)

Good point. In its current version, this bill wouldn't fly. A more reasonable compromise would be (at least from current employment based I-485 petitioners point of view) 6 years stay with at least 5 years of employment.

Should we make this into a campaign?

At least one such bill is introduced every year. None so far has made through the primary hearing before the sub-committee.

This bill has no support from Republicans, half of the Democrats. On top of it, it is introduced by Kerry and in election year... unlikely republicans will go with it.

But, strange things happen in politics. I am keeping your fingers crossed. I suppose I will not benefit from it but I know lots of people who will be immensely benefit.
This has no chance of passing, but even if it did, the effect would probably be to qualify one to file for AOS after 5 years with 2 years employment.

Then you could join in the 200 year wait for your case to be adjudicated.
Bad Idea

This is a very bad idea.....

Just as vsko said, after 5 years, one becomes eligible to apply for AOS, and the current waiters will be swamped by 8 million undocumented. When you want to renew your green card in 10 years, you will probably have to wait for 5 years. That is, within 5 years, before you become eligible to apply for citizenship, you will have to apply to renew your green card --- because you will have no guarantee of citizenship approval, you are required to do it as insurance to keep your status. The DHS takes your fees, and you will have another agonizing process.
This is a political hot ballon. They want put Bush in spot, to oppose it, then claim he is anti-latino. If he takes bait, he will alienate his conservative base. Kerry can then claim he is pro-immigration and pro-latino. Kerry if he wins, won't do anything for 3 years till time for re-election. Same for Bush. This is just political football, with lots of GAS in it.
arizona beach front property COOL MAAN!!!! :p ;) :D :rolleyes:

many of us coming from India for example should know how these types of promises are made and kept. :) :cool: