Gc Holder, Problem At Indian Immigration


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HI guys...please help me out in this...my husband received greencard on march 24, 2008 on marriage base relation with me USC. he went to india first time after receiving GC and its been 4 years he had left INDIA. he was on J1 visa when he came in 2004 valid for 1 year. after visa expiration he overstayed and got married to me, as i was on GC that time we were waiting for 2 years for my Citizenship. and did process and got his GC.
when he arrived at ahmedabad airport in India, immigration officer took him to office and said he did wrong staying in US after his visas expired. he said that he knew all that, and all this information USCIS also knows, that i stayed illegally, but everything is fine now, and he did I-485, passed the interview and then receivecd his GC. They said that they will have to write a letter to US Govt. and will have to inform them that this passport# and GC Allien# person overstayed in US and bla bla bla.... he said thats fine you can inform US Govt, but dont see any problem in that because US Gov knows everything about his situation and they are the one who issued him a GC. Lastly they asked him for a bride for $1000-$1500 to wind up everything .. which ofcourse he said he didnt had and lastly they wrote a statement kind of Confess letter and made him sign and he asked them to stamp his passport the arrival date.
Guys do u think he should have any problem whle coming back at indian airport or here in US at washington immigration? please let me know,,, he has all his files showing the application approval and our joint accoutn information
Don't worry
If he has green card he won't have the problem in USA airport and In india people always looking for money nothing to worry and make sure he won't sign any statement or papers in indian airport. Indian immigartion has nothing to do with USCIS.
This was exactly what that officer wanted right from the start. Corruption exists everywhere and your husband unfortunately bumped into a corrupt official.

Lastly they asked him for a bride for $1000-$1500 to wind up everything

I'll tell you something similar I witnessed. I was at Karachi airport boarding a flight for Bombay in 2005. Now for India bound flights, there are always a few ISI officials at the gate. I am guessing they are there to make extra cash for themselves. They know how tough it is for Pakistani citizens to get Indian visas. Thus the probablity of them eeking out bribes at boarding time for superficial problems is high. So I was in queue to board with my wife next to me. Infront of me where three other people. Each one of them was met by an ISI officer. Their passports were checked and really silly questions asked about how they were able to get Indian visas, etc. Then each of them was told there is some silly problem with their documents, like "address is not complete", "father name is misspelt", even "not enough blank pages". Now this entire conversation was taking place in Urdu. My wife, though born and bred in the US, is fluent in Urdu but was totally stumped seeing what she was seeing. I assured her that we have nothing to worry about. The other three were taken aside and had to fork out Rs10,000-12,000 (in the name of paying a fine) before they were allowed to board. When our turn came, the officer started asking the same silly questions and I replied back in Urdu. Then he asked for my passport and I refused to give it to him. I told him the airline has checked my documents and I am perfectly fine to travel to India. He then hinted that he can deny me boarding and I told him that he cannot. That ticked him off. He said he will call his boss and I said go ahead. Minutes later this fat boss of his comes and repeats the same in Urdu. This time I reply to the boss's questions in English only. Then midway through his rant he goes to me in English "For $500 we can let you board". I go, "sure". I then put my hand in my jacket pocket and pull out my wife's US passport and my Canadian passport. Both of them take a step back and ask me in Urdu "aren't you Pakistani?". I said, "Yes, but as far as you are concerned I am a Canadian citizen travelling to India". The boss gives me a sheepish look and goes "Have a nice trip".

Those guys basically assumed I am Pakistani (which is correct) and wanted to blackmail me to get some cash. Had I been just Pakistani I would have to bribe them if I wanted to make that flight. Sad, pitiful in fact.