GC for parents in CA, less than 60 yrs, benefits


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My mom received her green card about a month back (in california). She is 58 yrs old. No work history in the US.

Can someone please tell me what medical, social security etc benefits are available to her if any.

Thanks for your time
Many women - especially single women or widows - her age are working. Full retirement age in the US is 66 to 67. She needs to get a job to earn retirement benefits. My MIL worked until she was in her mid-70s and she had worked nearly all of her adult life and had SS and retirement benefits that she was eligible for. It is possible. Help your mother prepare to find a job - especially one that provides health insurance.
Can someone please tell me what medical, social security etc benefits are available to her if any.
None for at least 5 years, except unemployment benefits if she finds a job and gets laid off, or disaster relief, like temp. housing and food if she suffers in a hurricane or flood or earthquake.

As her GC sponsor, you are responsible for keeping her from taking government benefits until she becomes a citizen or has paid 10 years into Social Security.