Hi Takealook,

Did the Dallas Dist. Office ask u to do your medical test? I presume you've been sponsored by a US Citizen for your GC. Can you tell me what is your filing date? I'm a US Citizen & I filed for my parents' GC at the Dallas DO in Jan 2002 - no word from them yet.
please see my answer under "any ideas". you will not hear anything from them for first 2 months. It happens to me and happens to another one. you need to do medical, see my post under "any ideas".
Should I file now or wait?

I am currently on a H1B1 and recently married a US citizen. My question is should we wait to file my GC application (~2 yrs) or should we initiate the proceedings now?

An attorney I spoke to through my company suggested waiting for 2 years so we don't have to worry about the conditional GC.

Any thoughts?


That's the lamest thing I have heard coming from an attorney.
I would definetly recommend going for your GC right now and get it asap...

The conditional thing is a piece of cake relatively. It can be taken care off easy....

Re: Should I file now or wait?

if your marriage to the USC is genuine you have nothing to worry about.. & yeah as SWaiting mentioned.. that attorneys advise was below par

I suspected that the attorney was a bit off base in his advice so I am very glad that I posted here. You guys rock!
Thanks for the responses....

I have been reading some of the threads you have posted / replied and they are a wealth of info. Thanks for sharing the knowledge:)
Mr DV Patel
Where did you file your I130 for parents petition from? which center? My sister filed it from CA for our mother in Oct 02. Her case was approved on Jun 3 of '03. Her papers have been sent to National Visa ctr in New Hamshire, that will in turn send her papers for consular processing in India. However, the initial application was approved on Jun of 2003.
Should we call NVC new hampshire and ask about the next step?
I live in NC and hence I had to file at TSC. The TSC lazy bums are not doing anything with the petitions except crying that there is a huge backlog. So, all I can do is wait and wait and then wait some more. They are processing 6/18/01 I think and I am at 9/5/2001. At this rate, my parents will get here when they are 80 years old. They are 55 right now.

Originally posted by detroitimmi
Mr DV Patel
Where did you file your I130 for parents petition from? which center? My sister filed it from CA for our mother in Oct 02. Her case was approved on Jun 3 of '03. Her papers have been sent to National Visa ctr in New Hamshire, that will in turn send her papers for consular processing in India. However, the initial application was approved on Jun of 2003.
Should we call NVC new hampshire and ask about the next step?
DvPatel and Kristine please help

(Sorry guys for a question not related to immigration. But I don't know a better place to ask this question)

DvPatel and Kristine,

You both seem to be in Charlotte. I'll be moving to Charlotte soon.

I heard that Balentine and Matthews are good places to live.

I'll be moving to an Apartment.

Would you please let me know,

1. The place where there are lots of Indians.

2. The apartment where there are lots of Indians in that location.

Thanks a lot in advance!
Re: DvPatel and Kristine please help

An unusual question ideed.

You are correct in saying that Ballantyne and Matthews are good places. Unfortunately, I do not know of apartments that have a lot of Indians in those places. I lived in North Charlotte, University area before buying my house and hence I have no clue as to how many Indians are there in apartmens down here in South Charlotte.

Why is having a lot of Indians in your community important? I know of a town house community where there are tons of Indians if you want to rent a townhouse (about 10 - 15 year old townhomes) let me know.

Originally posted by phildis
(Sorry guys for a question not related to immigration. But I don't know a better place to ask this question)

DvPatel and Kristine,

You both seem to be in Charlotte. I'll be moving to Charlotte soon.

I heard that Balentine and Matthews are good places to live.

I'll be moving to an Apartment.

Would you please let me know,

1. The place where there are lots of Indians.

2. The apartment where there are lots of Indians in that location.

Thanks a lot in advance!