GC approval for nationals of Muslims countries

Can't understand folks like these?

If people have this much free time in their hands, why don't they use it constructively??

That was a bad bad geture...
c'mon, guys... lighten up!

it was a bad joke considering that somebody might have actually taken it seriously and would have been thrown in a tizzy, but most of us would have known what it was - its dateline should have given it away, if not the absurdity of its content.

i have to say somebody very cleverly wove their little tale around the fears of conservative america, and i wouldn't be surprised if they were a liberal, if not an actual muslim. (read the lines: "It is for the security of our country and for the protection of God-fearing American citizens..." and "Sometimes countries blow American stuff up, and then a whole bunch of people get deported...")

worse april fools' jokes have been played. actually, this was rather a clever one, and i had a belly laugh when i read it.

take it in your stride.

I am sorry, one of my friends forwarded me that. However, i never thought it would be man made thing. This is very silly. Whoever is webing this page in his server or machine, should think that he is just misguiding and socking people.

There are lot of things around to make fun with.

At the first time, I thought this is true, but latyer I found out, this is man made.

My bad.. my apology to all of you.
Sahin ... No problem

Like they say "Last hour of the night is the darkest one". I think we all are just frustrated and extremely sensitive to news like these.

We should not loose our cool and our hope as these traits, I think, are the only way to handle this quandary. We have been resilient for about a year now and we can be the same for another few more months.

Lady luck! where are you? I have been waiting for your knock at my door :)