GC approval for nationals of Muslims countries


Registered Users (C)
If anyone of you are nationals of muslim countries and got RFE but did not get decesion within a month or so, please post here. I kinda observed this trend among many people of those countries.

Did it happen to you?
Yepp your suspicions are right!!

I have observed this trend as well. I have two friends who are in eternal waiting mode eversince they filed their RFE. BCIS received my RFE on March 11, 2003 but no decision has been made on my application YET. I have seen approvals on the forum for the RFEs received before and after my RFE receipt date.

I think BCIS is profiling applications as we speak. Best thing we can do at the moment: Wait and See, and we are good at it aren't we ?

RD: 09/04/01
ND: 10/01/01
FP: 08/29/02
RFE: 01/09/03 for Employment and BC
RFE Replied received by INS:02/05/03 (Updated online status 02/12/03 saying RFE response received date as 2/10/03)
No news as of 3/30/03
Beleive it or Not

I really did not hear anybody of those countries got approval in recent days even though they have replied RFE.

This is not only for I485, I also observed for AP.

I wont be suprised if they made a hidden law for not approving case for nationals of those countries until further notice.
I am obseving the same trend for last few months. I know at least four of my friends waiting more than two months after their RFE responses. I replied my RFE on 19th March, 2003 and online status updated on 20th of March, 2003. And when i called last week to BCIS, IIO told me that case was assigned to an officer. God only knows when there wil be something happening to my case.

RD : 11/06/2001
ND : 11/28/2001
FP : 02/21/2002
RFE : 03/10/2003
AD : ?????
while i have not made any exhaustive analysis of data in rupnet, but it seems to me that there have been almonst zero approvals (other than a spurious-looking one posted on rupnet by a BD national) for applicants from muslim countries in the past several months. it could be that not many of those applicants visit (much less post) in these forums. also, their total numbers are only a fraction of the filers from the big 2: india and china. i guess only a few pakistanis and bangladeshis are members of this forum.

but still, i do get the impression that the approvals are few and far between. do any of you have any hard data or analysis that either supports or dispells this notion?
Pork Chop!!

You are right about the ratio of people from Pakistan and Bangladesh on this forum. We do not have a raw data; surely that would have been nice. All we have to prove this notion are the friends around us who have been waiting for the approvals after filing the RFE response. I am not sure if BCIS passes around an internal memo to its adjudicators about holding the approvals for muslim countries and it will not be surprising it did.

Moreover, numerous applicants were approved within two weeks after BCIS received their RFE responses and yet we see applicants from some "Special" countries who have been waiting for months for their approvals. BCIS will not admit this profiling by any means but it is clear as crystal that a temporary freeze is in effect for applicants from muslim countries.


there has been some official indication coming out of the dept of homeland security about altered procedures for SR country applicants, namely in form of RFEing for proof of SR. that much has been officially stated.

it was also stated that the adjudicators have been told to issue proof-of-SR RFEs (sounds like a new RFE category name :) ) only for group 1 and 2 for now, as this regulation came out before march 21, the deadline for group 3. and the deadline for group 4 is still in the future.

what that suggests is that pakistanis who have been waiting for approvals after submitting their RFE responses in the past few months will probably be hit by a proof-of-SR (lets call it PSR) RFE as well. for bangladeshis, it might be even a longer wait.

BCIS über alles!
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Looks like the freeze applied to EADs as well. I filed for my EAD RD was 12/4/02 and it still hasn't been adjudicated (I am from Bangladesh; rupnet ID: rms). I did manage to get an interim EAD, but it's only valid for 90 days. I cannot reach them on the phone, so I don't know what to do.

I don't mind the INS taking extra time for security reason, but what upsets me is their blatant lies - not admitting that they are profiling and deliberately delaying I485 adjudications. It is this deliberate deception that alienates those of us who would otherwise have sympathies for the burden created by security concerns.

Let's keep this thread alive, and modify it. If you are a citizen subjected to NSEERS Special Registration, please post approvals for any of the following:

Advanced Parole

Also post if the registration period for your country has expired.

Good luck to all.
When i replied my RFE, my lawyer also attached a copy of my special registration proof. I dont know it will do any good to my case. If SR causing the delays for Pakistani, their SR date is over and atleast we should view couple postings in Rupnet by the Pakistani. And i know two of the individuals wait more than three months after their RFE reply. There must be something else holding the approvals for muslim countries.

I doubt SR is the matter here. If this is the matter BCIS could explictly ask about this as they have asked from group 1 and group 2.

This is kinda guffy that they would expect SR proof without it asking from the applicants. It is also obvious folks who have EB AOS pending wont have any problem with SR.

I bet this is just like other hidden non written undisclosed but practiced rule from INS, like visa revalidation from st. luis, visa application at consulates where revalidation get rejected from st. luis and kept applicants waiting for several months or infinite amount of time at consulates aboroad for muslims nationals when they apply for visa and get approved. This rule is not written anywhere, but practiced 100%.

We have nothing to do but waiting :confused:
Nothing yet!

My attorney tried to get some information and was told that my case is pending. He told me that lately BCIS has not been giving much info to anyone.

The long and painful wait continues! :mad:
SR Freeze ?

My EAD also shows no sign of renewal yet RD 01/23/03.
Talked to IIO yesterday, was told that case was on its way to an officer and it might take a few more weeks.
I didnot use my EAD but my wife is working on hers.
Should she stop working until we get the renewal ? Any suggestions ?
My lawyer says to go try for an interim EAD at local St.louis office although it is not 90 days yet but no harm in trying.

On a more positive note

I asked my attorney if BCIS has an unspoken/unwritten freeze on SR country approvals. He says that they have received approvals for some of their SR clients recently.






Just talked with an IIO. She was passionate enough to answer all of my questions. I asked her, if there is any hold on adjudication of application for Special Registration countries? She denied the allegation and said currently their priorities are to adjudicate EAD cards, because so many people as loosing jobs (This is the first time I felt like INS care about us J Do they really?)
Anyway, my AP has been with INS for more than 5 months now and yet not approved! She said it might even take another month or so.
Who knows that these IIOs are doing.
I am in a similar situation. My AP and EAD applications have both been pending for over 4 months now. I did get an interim EAD that was valid for 90 days (Portland, OR). Although BCIS denies it, I wonder if they are halting adjudications until SR is completed for a particular country. I am from Bangladesh, and the SR date for Group IV countries has been extended, so I’m speculating that my EAD won’t be approved until that date is complete. I'd be interested in knowing if anyone from Group IV countries had I485 or any other application approved.

I did finally talk to an IIO today who told me my I765 file was under review. Whatever that means. I don’t know why they’re called Information Officers, since they’re really phone operators and they don’t give any information. On an unrelated note I’ve decided that I will apply for a job with NSC if I ever become a citizen. My boss is very unreasonable and actually expects me to work.

Re: Sad but true

Is anybody here really in the mood for these
April fools pranks? Particularly, a few days