Garden City, NY


Registered Users (C)
Did anyone hear anything from Garden City yet? For those of you who had their interviews there and are waiting for approval?
Anyone heard from Garden City yet, it's been 7 months since my interview and I haven't heard anything as yet.
Did anyone here from garden city yet? For those cases that had interview there and are awaiting approval. I've been waiting almost 8 months now just for an approval on my case after I had my interview.

I think you should go to Garden City office one more time...They should give some information about your case.This is not fair!
I want to, but the thing is by the time they reply to my case inquiry they will have already approved my case. I've heard of people on this forum who never even received a reply from them.

We have our interview at the garden city office next week and your post is making me really worried. I can't believe we might have to wait another 7-8 months, after waiting for 4 years already to get the final decision. How was your interview though? Our attorney never said anything about a long waiting period after the interview. Did you have your attorney with your at the time of interview?


How did your interview go? Did you get approved? Was there a lot of people there? Which officer interviewed you?
Garden City NY interview


We have our interview on 4-28. Our attorney is going with us. I am still with the same employer, never been out of status and are bringing every piece of paper that we can think of. So we are hoping that there wouldn't be any problem.

I will keep you posted.

Thank you
Hope everything goes well on your interview, just make sure that you have copies of everything with you. That's a coincidence, I had my interview on Aug 28th.

God Bless
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I saw on the post that your interview was today at garden city, my case is still pending at garden city 8 months now since I had my interview there, how did your interview go, did a spanish lady interview you? Was there a lot of people there? Hope everything went well with you.
Interview at Garden City


Out interview was alright, but the name check is still pending. So we didn't get the approval. I also have to submit a new medical. Looks like they hadn't looked at the medical before and found out yesterday that a check box is not checked on one of the tests. The officer Bince interviewed us. It was a long interview, he asked me what kind of job I do, and some simple questions like what's my mother's name, the country I was born etc. I am just glad that they remembered us and the wait will be atmost a year now.

I hope your approval comes in soon.
Question for J4life95 and family2kids?

are your names very common? If you google your name, you will find a lot of people with same first name and last name ??

My name is common but not that common. I had only 3 matches with the exact first name and last name on google. God only knows why it might take up to an year for a simple check.

Did you have to wait for the name check too? Do you know anybody else who had to? How long did it take?

I have a very uncommon last name. When I had my interview my fingerprints and name checks were cleared. The officer was just giving us a hard time because our lawyer wasn't there with us, but she was friendly. She wanted my companies financial reports because of job change. She even explained that it would be hard to get this because i work for a hospital and these things are hard to get. But she said that everything was ok with our case she just needed the financial report. I'm still waiting to here from her.
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I had the interview at phili office 2 weeks back. The officer told us e.thing looks okay and
probably we will get approval within a month. He didnt give any reason. He checked all documents and didnt ask any additional.
He also took I94 card and cancelled my old visa (expired) in the passport.

Did the officer took I-94 card from yours ??? please inform.

Finally approved

We received the GC approval yesterday in the mail. We will get the actual cards in the mail in next couple of weeks.
10 months and still waiting for approval after I had my interview :( :mad: :confused:

Anyone heard from Garden City???