gap in status


Registered Users (C)
In May 1993, I filed my petition to change status to F1, it was approved in early June, but my B1 status was expired in late May, so there was a 2 weeks gap, will this cause a problem for I485 approval?

Thanks a lot.
$1000 fine should solve the problem

You may get a letter from the center for the fine. Once you pay up, they will approve, provided everything else is fine. You should double check this with a lawyer.
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Thank you for the post, what makes me wondering is I did submit petition before the B1 expiration. I did talk with the lawyer about this couple month ago. they said as long as you applied before expired day, it should not be a problem. But I heard from one friend he paid $1000 fine for this. which confused me alot....
Hi 1993....Good morning. I also landed on the this **land** during 1993 and still waiting for GC&gt
