G-325 and I-864


Registered Users (C)
My husband got his citizenship earlier this month and now I am in the process of filling out the necessary forms to start my GC processing. I am currently on student visa. I had couple of questions:

1. For the biographic information I understand we need to provide that for both my husband and me. Do we fill out form G-325 or G-325A?

2. In the I-864 form for household size I have entered 1 for 21a because my husband is sponsoring me - his spouse in the affidavit. Now for 21c under PERSONS NOT SPONSORED IN THIS AFFIDAVIT where it says if you are currently married enter "1" for your spouse if I enter 1 then the total size of household will become 3 in line 21h. But size of our household is 2 - my husband and me. What should I put in 21c.

3. Also do we need to get the I-864 notarized?

Any response would be highly appreciated.
A1: G-325A
A2: That sections states in bold, Do Not Count Anyone Twice. Since his I-864 counts you in 21a, he should not count you again in 21c.
A3: I would advise you to get it notarised.