Fundoo - Suggestion for you ...


Registered Users (C)

You said your wife already has her original approval notice. Get her to get her PP stamped, then while she is there she can ask the INS officer what to do about your case, if you go with her, they may even let you accompany her and you can ask yourself.

Explain about how you don\'t have your Original Notice and your company is holding your Courtesy copy hostage. Worst case your wifes PP is stamped and they may give you an answer that will help you get your courtesy copy from company. Best case, they may be able to look up your information and who knows stamp your passport.

As you can tell been thinking about your case a bit. Still pisses me off what your company is doing.
No Title


Incase I get my Courtesy Copy, will I be able to go into INS for stamping....
I am going to my office to talk with the senior managers, because my attorney has told them that legally they cannot keep these documents....
suggestion !


   You can call INS and find out why the courtesy copy went to your employer (it\'s supposed to be mailed to you unless your lawyer or employer did something). And you can request a new copy of approval notice from INS.

No Title

It went to INS because all my paperwork goes to my Co. HQ office.

As far as new notice is concerned, my co. is telling me file I-784 to get new approval notice....They r saying it will take 6 mo. to get that notice....
Does INS issue duplicate approval notice....
Spoke to the Sr Managers ?

So since your original message you have spoken to your Sr Managers and they still will not give you the courtesy copy ?

If this is the case then sounds very fishy to me. Have you found out why they think they need to keep the Courtesy Copy ?

If they are still not giving you your FP, have your lawyer talk to them. In the mean time at the least take your wife to INS and you can ask them what to do. Like I said they may be able to stamp your PP if they look up your info.
I remember a post in this board.

His wife\'s notice was mailed to wrong address and lost. He requested a duplicate copy over the phone (2 weeks). Give a try ! I think INS will issue duplicate copy of 485 approval notice.

No Title

You can ask for a duplicate copy from INS and I think the fee is $30. Also, maybe you can make a trip to local INS and see if they can still stamp yours as they should have the info on their computer.
I too remember a post a while back

Somebody went to Local INS to get their EAD renewed as it was more than 90 days. The INS officer looked at his case and fortunately for him, the 485 was approved the previous day and allowed him to stamp the Passport without approval. You can try that (take the Receipt copy of 485, if you have one)