Full time school + CPT on H4?


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I know it is possible to study full time on h4. Is the CPT something specific to a F1 visa, or can it be used with a H4 also? Are there any USCIS guidelines around this?

CPT is linked to f1 visa and has to be endorsed by the school international student office on the I20 (or whatever is the document that supports F1 visa nowadays).
internship on h4??

In light of the fact that CPT is linked to F1, is there any way to pursue an internship on H4?
In light of the fact that CPT is linked to F1, is there any way to pursue an internship on H4?

You can go to school as a full time student except that you are like any other permanent resident and you may not have to take the required number of courses per semester as is required for a full time international student who is on a F1 visa and has been issued a I-20.

If you do the internship on H4, it has to be on a voluntary basis without any stipend or so. CPT does not apply to an individual with H4. You cannot get paid while you are on H4 since you are not authorized to work, not even in-campus.

You will be classified as an international student but you can pay in-state tuition if you can prove one year of residency in that state, if there is such a law in the state where you are residing. (In Texas I did my bachelor's and master's in this way).

The above mentioned is per what I went through. The most accrate information may be available with the councelor who you should contact.
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I'd say you should talk to lawyer before any volunteer or intern work under H4.
If it's real volunteer work, it should not have any problem, but if it comes to "productive work" which all the profittable company is doing, it is in gray zone. It might be considered taking away the job from the US citizen, and if so, "working" under H4 even w/o pay beats the purpose of all the work authorization like H1 or L1.
It's gray, but I think it's more on black side.
my wife's situation was similar. she attended bschool on an h4 visa because she couldn't get an f1 due to pending gc...did an unpaid internship and now she's getting back on an h1 visa with a full time job.

In light of the fact that CPT is linked to F1, is there any way to pursue an internship on H4?

Does anyone know if selling items on FleaBay (hope yo'll understand :) ) is illegal if someone is on H1B status?

I get paid by paypal 99% times. I am planning to open my eBay store and of course no incorp .. no LLC ... no nothing... just plain buy and sell ... no 1098's ... no W2's.. I'm basically selling stuff that I don't need...

I buy a lot of stuff and sell it as and when I don't need it no more.

Can anyone please shed light on this?
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You can always sell stuff if you're not making a profit.

But once you start selling often, and making a profit, it would be seen as a business, and it would get you in trouble with the IRS and Immigration if they found out that you were doing it without work authorization and without tax reporting.