Fulbright J1 - Prolonging the stay and general issues


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Hello everyone,

I've got a few questions about the J1 & Fulbright related issues:

1. After the "original" Fulbright grant period, there's an option of extension (http://foreign.fulbrightonline.org/current_stages_extension.html): has anyone had experience with extension? And also, has anyone engaged in Academic training after the grant (http://foreign.fulbrightonline.org/current_stages_training.html)?
There's "short time" extension (up to 6 months) which can be arranged by responsible regional contact (officer), and "long term" (more than 6 months) which has to be done by DOS? I'd appreciate if anyone who had experience with either of these matters would post his/her story.

2. If I'm on a pre-doctoral visiting research Fulbright grant, does the DOS consider me non-degree student or research scholar?

3. According to the DOS web (http://exchanges.state.gov/education/jexchanges/participation/change.htm), transfers between sponsors is usual and responsible regional contact (officer) can do this. But it also states "Transfers are not permitted in all categories". Can the transfer be done under Fulbright/research scholar program?

4. What kind of organization (company, university...) could be my elegible sponsor after the Fulbright grant period? Could it be the Lab at the University I'm doing research during Fulbright? Could it be a company interested in a sponsoring me? Are there any criteria that company should satisfy?

5. How long can one stay in US if entered via Fulbright grant? DOS web (http://exchanges.state.gov/education/jexchanges/academic/professor.htm) says research scholars can stay up to three years. Does this apply to Fulbright also?

6. (A bit off-topic, but I don't want to spam the forum with a new thread). Concerning J2 and EAD: I'm J1, my wife J2. I'll be getting my home paycheck plus a Fulbright grant, so I suppose she shouldn't have problem getting EAD, given the fact that the number one criterium to get EAD is not supporting the J1 using it.. Or am I wrong? How long does the EAD approval usually take (I've seen here people getting it in a month, two, and more - but what you suppose is the usual period)?

Thanks a bunch to everyone.
6. (A bit off-topic, but I don't want to spam the forum with a new thread). Concerning J2 and EAD: I'm J1, my wife J2. I'll be getting my home paycheck plus a Fulbright grant, so I suppose she shouldn't have problem getting EAD, given the fact that the number one criterium to get EAD is not supporting the J1 using it.. Or am I wrong? How long does the EAD approval usually take (I've seen here people getting it in a month, two, and more - but what you suppose is the usual period)?
she shouldn't have any problems with that, and it should take 2-4 months.