Freinds I spoke to IIO Just Now and Learned got RFE=> What NEXT ?? Hanuman


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Dear friends this Hanuman again CONFUSED & FRUSTATED looking for your sincere help and prayers.

I called up IIO @ 9:15 AM EST and after confirming my address he said " Additional Information has been requested in your case. YOU SHOULD GET THE LETTER WITHIN SIXTY ( yes 60 )DAYS. Please comply accordingly and provide the required information for further processing"

I ask what kind of information? and he said he would\'nt know because it is not shown on his screen.

I ask why sixty days and he replied " There are THOUSANDS OF RFEs and we do not have adequete staff"

Now my questions are

1] What can be the RFE for?

2]What if I send them all the generally asked documents in advance without even receiving RFE? Like Empl letter, Pay stubs, Copies of Tax returns what ever I can think of.

3] Can I go personally to VSC and request RFE?

4] I can only provide empl letter within a week or two from my current company because it is being auctioned and Taken over by some body else and transition willtake place within 3-4 weeks....After that I will have new paystubs.

This is what I can think of in the wake of this NEW DEVELOPING AND NEVER ENDING SAGA.

I really need your wishful thinking and helful input to think next step otherwise I am so frustated I am thinking of going back to India.

My Sincere Thanks for your help and inputs.
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Hanuman don\'t worry too much take it positive that some one did looked at your case so RFE is sent.

I think you should not send any documents without getting RFE because RFE may be for some thing very minor information.

For your company takeover you better speak to your attorney.

You have come all the way to final stage why giveup now ?

Stay cool and every thing will be fine we all are facing similar issues.
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Hi I am new to the chat room but I had similar situation I would like to share.
I was told by immigration inspector that rfe will be going out in two months time but we received the letter in 15 days hope the same will happen to you.
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Hi Hanuman, Most of us get RFE from VSC. That is normal for VSC. Don’t worry.

As we discussed in your posting "AM I SURPRISED OR SHOCKED ??? Please Help -Hanuman". See VSC loves to send RFE. Right? At the end, we both of us got RFE. Funny.

1] What can be the RFE for?
No one can guess until you receive your notice.
2]What if I send them all the generally asked documents in advance without even receiving RFE? Like Empl letter, Pay stubs, Copies of Tax returns what ever I can think of.

My RFE says “IMPORTANT: This notice contains your unique number and must be resubmitted in the original with the requested information. When you have compiled with the instructions on this form, resubmit this notice and all requested documents and/or information”
...... “All documentation requested should be submitted together”

3) Check with your attorney. Could be helpful.

4) RFE may ask your Emp.letter (like mine). So get your emp letter now.

There are few aumutore guys in this site giving their own ludicrous opinion or so called friends case details. If you act on that you will end up with more frustration and sleepless nights.

Finally, cool down.. We know lot of people who have got RFE and they are getting their approvals. Keep the faith, there is nothing you can do by getting tensed. Your time will come. Good luck

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Klm thanks very much for detailed reply you don\'t know what it means to me at this time since in time like this I can not think rationally so I look forward for any and all advise from anybody and everybody.

Klm, BTW when did you learned about your RFE ? How ? and when did you got the paper in your hand?

Once again thanks you very much for replying in BAD TIMES LIKE THIS ONE.

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Hanuman, this is actually a positive development for you. Your PD is not current and your case is being reviewed. Imagine what your state of mind would be, if you had to wait to file 485 until your PD is current. In your case, the worst possibility is you\'ll get your GC as soon as your PD is current. Talk to people who have filed in oct99, whose PD is current and haven\'t even received FP yet and you\'ll know what bad times are really like. I don\'t mean to admonish you but there are people in situations worse than yours and makes your fretting about RFE sound very frivolous.
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AquaLung, Thanks very much buddy, I am worried because nothing is written in stone @ INS every time they come up with some thing new and my company who has declared bankruptcy is being taken over by another company.
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Hanuman you should consider yourself lucky that VSC is looking at your case, this is just an RFE which by now we are very much familiar with and like klm has suggested there are vast number of cases that have received RFE. So from the RFE point of view it is common. Now going back to your next worry about your company going bankrupt and new paystubs, first if the RFE is about something else you dont have to worry about paystubs, but then if it happens to be paystubs, then you have to explain why the employer is different, that may require an ammended i140 , which will delay your approval by some weeks if not months and that\'s the maximum I see happen. So for you to consider going back after all you have gone through is not being fair to yourself and perhaps your wife and also not giving the system a chance. We all live in a society and rules are made to be fair to everyone and to be respectful of those rules benefits everyone inlcuding yourself.

My suggestion to you is wait and see what is the RFE about ?? and take it step by step and that is the normal process of success.

Hope this helps..
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Hanuman, I had a similar problem.
My rfe-1 was mailed thrice by INS and they said they mailed it to the new address. Finally we aksed them mail by FEDEX and gave them the credict card #. We received this. The entire process took 3 months.

You have to send the documents only with the original copy of rfe. Otherwise they attach it to your doc and they won\'t process it.

You can get the emp letter and keep it ready as your company is about to close. Once you receive the letter you can mail it.
Wish you good luck.
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Thanks DesiAmerican, Shilpa, klm, vsc485485, AquaLung, Chutney and Arjuna, I was (am still little) so upset about RFE that I was thinking like this world is going to end but with all this hope and your experiances I will be able to sleep.

Thanks again friends " A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED " I\'ve realized that though I donot have any body in this country I have everybody in the form of friends and well wishers like you to whom I can go and let out my fears for a posible solution or resolution.

Thanks from the bottom of my heart
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Hanuman, my RFE is about Employment letter. REF generated on 23/DEC, through my attorney’s office I received on 28/DEC. AVM is not yet changed. I have been working with the same employeer and client since I came to this country. I don’t know why VSC is asking for employment letter! Last four months, ND later than my are was getting approved again and again. Oh my god.. my god...

Look at my worst situation. My spouse has been going through major medical treatment since 97. We have to stay in this country for minimum of 3 years to get some improvement (I must work here to get financial support for the treatment). Just 1 year left on my H1.

My company took big advance of this situation. Past 2 years no salary hike, my corporate attorney took 6 months to file my labor and 5 months to file I485. Now that cost me more than 18 months of time.

I hope you will get some sleep now.

BTW, I am not asking you to think rationally. Take opinion only who went through RFE. Not someone\'s ‘ I think / someone at work place / my friends’ kind of posting. There are lot of good people like AquaLung , Chutney , mylader, etc. Consider their option. Not anybody and everybody to pull you. This is my own experience. Up to you…
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klm, I am sorry to here about your spouse\'s medical problem but I am sure every thing will be alright before three years. What a coincidence my wife also had a sugery for sort of tumor (it came out to be benign and not cancer) in Aug \'00 and I too didn\'t got review since last two years. Infact my company lowered my salary by 10K due to bankrutcy { They laid me off and when I explained my case having then eight months (now 14 month)old son and six year old daughter they ask me if I want to take 10K cut I silently accepted the offer and they continued me.}

My wife who is developer also could not work because of this tensions and a small baby in spite of having EAD since 16 months.

I was hoping to get over these things and looking @ future after GC but ONE AFTER OTHER things started to screw me up and now I am at a stage I can not even afford more lawyer fees to start new process or amendments.

Any way I am hoping THERE MUST BE AN END to all this and waiting for it.

I will pray for all of us.

BTW what kind of info they ask in RFE for empl. ltr. ? Knowing this I can try to get one from my current company before new company takes over.
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Hanuman and klm,

Reading your posts I think you have other serious problems to think about than RFE\'s. You should be concentrating your energy and time on those issues than worry about GC.

First of all, the GC problem has an upper bound on time; you\'ll get it sometime -- most probably in next few months. Maybe there is some extra paperwork involved, but you are bound to get it.

Secondly, it is not entirely in your hands. So, you devoting more energy than required is not going to get you any gains, faster or better.

Your other issues are probably entirely in your hands. Maybe you want to switch jobs by end of the year, maybe spending the extra time on learning something new will get you your dream job. You guys are pretty close to think about your future, if not plan it.
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AquaLung, Thanks again, Hanuman, My RFE says "Submit an original letter on company letterhead from your prospective employer who filed Form I-140 on your behalf stating their continued interest in hiring you, duties to be performed, and remuneration". - requested evidence be submitted within 12 week from your RFE notice date (ie Generated date)

I too have six year old daughter!! Thanks for your prayer.
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vsc485485, You can find details about my RFE in my replies to Hanuman. Do you need any more info?
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AquaLung, Thanks for your opinion and you are right I think in this New Year I will concentrate more on my skill developement and giving more time to my kids and wife which I\'ve almost forgotten. I do have some very very good offers but I am not able to take decision because of this GC, my attorney says wait for INS to come out with regulations and don\'t shoot in your foot after completing 465 days ( my ND is 9/24/99 )you are very close so I am still allowing my current employer to exploit me.

But any way I should think of other things that are in my hand.
Also thanks klm for your RFE details.

Have a wonderful Weekend.
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Hey Hanuman,

There is a reply for ur reply in "Impact on H1" with the
title "Hey Hanuman" under "Visa Refusal" ....

Just check out for that....
